This Overview of Ethnic Groups in the World course helps you quickly review major ethnic groups across the world's continents. You can use the...
ETHNICGROUPSAbacama.See: BachamaAbakuria.See:KuriaAbalempa.See:LembaAbaluyia.See:LuhyaAbaruundi.See: RundiAbatuutsi.See: TutsiAbron. See:BrongAbunu.See:BunuAccanistes.See:AkanistsAcoli(Achou)431Adangme(Adangbe)3578.Seealso:KroboAdigo.See:DigoAfar3429,3434,3439,3449Afrikaners517-8.1328, 1352...
Sixteen health disparities, in menopause hormone therapy prescribing or use, were found in this scoping review. Differences between ethnic groups were found in 9 of 14 articles. Education level, menopause route, medical conditions, and practitioner specialization were in 4 of the 14 articles. The ...
In 1975-78 fertility was higher among the Kabye with a crude birth rate of 50.5 +or- 6.3 compared to 33.3 +or- 2.8 among the other groups. The lower current fertility of the local groups is probably due to their greater marital instability and to a lesser extent their more frequent ...
Cleveland People celebrates the ethnic and cultural diversity of Cleveland Ohio and beyond. Focus on over 100 distinct ethnic groups in Cleveland - culture, music, food, religion and people.
Women of disadvantaged groups, especially ethnic minorities, were those suffered from such inequity. This chapter offers an overview of the maternal healthcare utilization among women of ethnic minorities in Vietnam through three components of the maternity continuum of care, including antenatal care, ...
Females,ontheotherhand,travelledingroupsledbyanoldermatriarchwhoknewthelandscapeanddirectedhergroupawayfromdanger. “Withoutthebenefitoflivinginaherdledbyanexperiencedfemale,malemammothshadamuchhigherriskofdyinginnaturaltrapssuchasmudholes,rockcracksandlakes,”saidco-authorLoveDalenoftheSwedishMuseumofNaturalHistory...
Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence, here is a sneak preview of the major tribes and ethnic groups in Ghana...
17.A member of a people inhabiting southeast Ghana, southern Togo, and southern Benin.埃维族人居住在加纳东南部、多可南部和贝宁南部的一个民族 18.A Study on the Peaceful Living-together of Different Ethnic Groups and Its Development in the Yugur s Area in Sunan;肃南裕固族地区多民族和平杂居与发...
The ethnic marketing was used only in order to help them to integrate better into the standards of the main population. That was the case of CJ Walker. But this trend has changed with the fast increasing of the non white population. Thus, ethnic groups were unable to preserve their ...