little work has been done in the country to properly document and promote the associated knowledge [10] and only a few of the country's diverse cultures and languages have been considered. In addition, more surveys are needed in
It aims at identifying factors that affect the gender composition of migratory streams, including family formation and children. It compares two contrasting streams: Mexican migration to the United States, which has traditionally been male-dominated; and Paraguayan migration to Argentina, which comprises...
Four agents have administered 160 waves of 17 temporally linked surveys of achievement in math and/or reading to nationally representative cohorts of US students for various portions of the past half century: 1) the Long-Term Trend (LTT) version of NAEP, 2) the main version of NAEP, 3) th...
and the silver prize in the bass drum, row drum and combination category. In 2018, he was invited to participate in the composition, recording and arrangement of the national percussion part of “Mrs
Wild Edible Plants Used by the Polish Community in Misiones, Argentina. Hum. Ecol. 2015, 43, 855–869. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] [Green Version] Sõukand, R.; Kalle, R. Perceiving the Biodiversity of Food at Chest-height: Use of the Fleshy Fruits of Wild Trees and ...