The prevalence of delays in seeking abortion among women in Ethiopia was 32%. Educational status (AOR=0.63; 95% CI: 0.37–0.78), marital status (AOR=2.12; 95% CI: 1.38–3.74), wealth index (AOR=0.54; 95% CI: 0.41–0.75), frequency of listening a radio (AOR=0.61; 95% CI: 0.45–...
Neither formal nor informal help-seeking significantly associated with physical or sexual violence. The results may indicate difficulties women face in seeking help and cultural and social norms that tolerate IPV as an acceptable part of family life in Ethiopia....
Due to the hard-to-reach nature of the population, selecting participants within a single immigration category as well as a single state or geographic region in the U.S. was not possible. Hence, some of the experiences and accounts of participants presented in the findings vary and may not ...
vivax single infection, they were recruited to provide 5 ml of venous blood of each patient, and the sample was collected using heparin containing tube, and immediately filled to the membrane feeding glass. Membrane feeding assay was performed using colonies of Anopheles arabiensis that were reared...
a coterie of money-hungry men began surrounding us to “talk”. Jonathan went to pull over and then made the wise, spur of the moment decision to hit the gas and speed off. It says a lot about a place that people resort to putting horses out in the middle of the road with the per...
He even seems to embrace the concept of ‘alternative facts’, claiming for example, that not a single civilian was killed during the seizures of Tigray’s cities, or that the majority of the refugees in Sudan are young men, despite UN refugee agency reports that most are “women and ...
The people of Ethiopia must know this evil Process in every angle and in every single activity of their real enemies. God bless Ethiopia! Reply 3 replies · active 328 weeks ago +6 Ashebir · 329 weeks ago I think the pastor has no insight or never read the constitution. Most of ...
TIGRAY once single handle defeated a whole army of AMHARA known as DERG! With tanks. My question to you is what makes you think TIGRAY are afraid of AMHARA nor OROMO ha! I laugh at that very silly idea. Lastly TIGRAY will never give full power to AMHARA NOR OROMO lesson from past ...
Liu X. Applied ordinal logistic regression using Stata: from single-level to multilevel modeling. Sage; 2015. Lipsitz S, Fitzmaurice G, Sinha D, Hevelone N, Hu J, Nguyen LL. One-step generalized estimating equations with large cluster sizes. J Comput Graphical Stat. 2017;26(3):734–7. ...