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The complete site about Ethiopian embassy, voa amharic ,Ethiopian news ,and ethio media ,ze habesha ,habesha music, Amharic, and about Ethiopian food , about Ethiopian women, Ethiopian orthodox church,ethiopian music. Ethiopian airlines ,Ethiopian drama,
Ethiopian Orthodox Church Reaches Deal With Breakaway Oromo Synod More Reuters FILE PHOTO: Ethiopian Orthodox priests carry ‘Tabot’ the replica of the Ark of the Covenant during Epiphany celebration to commemorate the baptism of Jesus Christ on Lake Dambal in Batu town of Oromia Region...
Ever since its formation in the 4th century, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church has had a major defining role for the people of this ancient nation. Even today, one will bear witness to children as young as 7 years old, walking solemnly into a church yard to bow, kiss the ground, pay homage...
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, autocephalous Oriental Orthodox church in Ethiopia. Headquarters are in Addis Ababa, the country’s capital. Tradition holds that Ethiopia was first evangelized by St. Matthew and St. Bartholomew in the 1st century ce,