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Ezega.com is one of the largest & most popular sites in Ethiopia. It provides news, jobs in Ethiopia, real estate listings, entertainment, classifieds, business guide, etc. In both English & Amharic.
Find the Indicative daily exchange rate applicable for 8th November 2024 for Buying and selling Ethiopian Birr (ETB) against US Dollar, (USD) and other major currencies is as follows. Today 1ETB = $ 121.5885 Looking to convert ETB to other currencies? You can find currency converters with l...
Today, the preponderance of Oromo songs are about war to win their freedom, over 30 years after the ethnic constitution became the law of the land and seven years after an Oromo prime minister took the reign of power. Breeding conflict and making it part of the Oromo culture is both the ...
Thanks to his early success with the fellowship last year, Yohannes has returned to Ethiopia to continue his work. He said many pharmacological medicines in use today come from chemicals obtained from plants. In the field of oncology, their medical significance is widely acknowledged. The bioactive...
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki, Amhara Region President Gedu Andargachew and Tigray Region President Debretsion Gebremichael have officially reopened the Humera-Omhajer border crossing today. Video ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_dKyXjwR3Q...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeZRwe30I1k Wektawi Gudayoch on Mereja TV is a daily program on Mereja TV where journalist and invited guests to discuss events and affairs happening in Ethiopia recently. In today’s segment, in-house journalists Mikiyas Tilahun, Fasil Aregay, and Esubale...
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Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited an Ethiopian patient in a Saudi Arabia hospital today. It was an emotional scene as Journalist Nebiyu Sirak explained how the patient became debilitated by a mistake the doctors made while treating him and no one from the Ethiopian government was willin...