Experts at the Ministry of Industry and unspecified international consultants are wrapping up a... January 25, 2025 Business Trade Ministry re-authors directive to end salt market monopoly Rescinds mandatory naphthalene treatment Trade officials have issued a directive permitting the operation of......
The population (N = 201, male =100 and female =101) was selected from Ethiopian Youth Sport Academy Football, whose ages ranged from 13 to 20 years. SPSS version 20.0 was employed to analyse multiple linear regressions with five predictor variables. Findings of the analysis show that sex is...
Are you looking for an Ethiopian Government Office, Ministry, Bureau, Agency, etc.? Here you will find the contact details for the many government offices of Ethiopia. Links and Phone Numbers for agencies, offices, etc. can be found here for Ethiopian Federal Offices, as well as, the variou...
The Ministry of Peace pays a visit to Afar. Shimeles Abdissa expresses joyous satisfaction in response to the triumph over TDF. 1. Establishment of regional-level connections2. Worries regarding the security of the Afar region3. Misrepresentation of victory on war. A fresh security advisory for...
The total number of players (N=81,male=40 and female=41) was taken from Ethiopian Youth Sport Academy. SPSS version 20.0 was used to analysean independent sample t-test. As the result, there was a statistically significant difference between male and femaleU 17 age groups in their VO2max...