Ethiopian Calendar Converter Ethiopian Date to Gregorian Date Gregorian Date to Ethiopian Date Ethiopian Date Calculator: Add or Subtract Days / ቀን : Months / ወር :
Due to differing calculations in determining the date of the Annunciation of Jesus,there is a seven to eight year gap between the commonly used Gregorian Calendar and the Ethiopian Calendar. In the Ethiopian Calendar, the year 2007 is equivalent to the year 2014 according to the Gregorian Calenda...
iPhone Description Ethiopian Calander with Orthodox holidays & fasting days. Date Converter and National holidays are included. EtCal has Time Converter that converts the time from Ethiopian local time to your timezone and vise versa. You can add Birthdays of your friends and families to get noti...
Ethiopian Calendar with Orthodox holidays & fasting days. Date Converter and National holidays are included. EtCal has a Time Converter that converts the time from Ethiopian local time to your timezone and vice versa. You can add Birthdays of your friends and families to get notified in advance...
isValid(): Validates whether the current Ethiopian date object is valid. nextMonth(): Moves to the next month in the Ethiopian calendar. prevMonth(): Moves to the previous month in the Ethiopian calendar. getMaxDaysInMonth(year, month): Static method to get the maximum number of days in ...
calendarethiopian-dateethiopian-calenderunix-epochhasabe-bahir UpdatedNov 15, 2023 JavaScript BisratYalew/Gregorian-to-Ethiopian-Calender-Converter Star6 Code Issues Pull requests This will allow you to convert Gregorian Calender to Ethiopian Calender and vice versa ...
Let's convert Julian Calendar to Ethiopian Calendar as a second example $day = 29; $month = 4; $year = 2017; // get the jdn using the built in php function $jdn = juliantojd($month, $day, $year); // convert the jd to Ethiopian Date $converter = new Andegna\Converter\FromJdn...
iPhone Description This is an Ethiopian Calendar & date converter available in Amharic, Oromiffa, Tigrinya and English. The calendar displays Christian, Muslim and Ethiopian National Holidays. ⊛ It is simple to use and navigate ⊛ It can help you save events, reminders and tasks; and you ...
Ethiopian Calander with Orthodox holidays & fasting days. Date Converter and National holidays are included. EtCal has Time Converter that converts the time fro…
⏰ Ethiopian date utility library javascript converter utilities date calendar ethiopia ethiopian Updated on Mar 26 JavaScript tedtad / workalendar Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Worldwide holidays and workdays computational toolkit. ethiopian Updated on Sep 3, 2021 Python mickey...