At grade nine, the beginning of secondary school, the medium of instruction switches to English. English was introduced as a medium of instruction by Emperor Haile Selassie (Yadete, 2017) to foster unity among Ethiopia’s diverse linguistic groups and to enhance a nation building strategy and ...
Using an automated sequencer, the amplified 16 S rDNA PCR result was sequenced. An ABI 3730xl sequencer was used in South Africa to sequence the 16s rRNA gene. Using BioEdit 7.2, the 16 S rRNA gene sequences were aligned. The BLAST-NCBI website was used to exam- ine the sample ...
This time the rate of failure is quite small as compared to the grade 10 exam. 221 | P a g e Contradictions, Challenges, and Chaos in Ethiopian Teacher Education [7] TESO is Teacher Education System Overhaul. It consists of a set of reform tasks and various task forces enacted to carry...