PASDEP stands for ‘A Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty’ (PASDEP) (2005/06–2009/10). The objectives of the PASDEP are to define the nation’s overall strategy for development for the coming five years; to lay out the directions Ethiopia wants to take, with ...
In many sub-Saharan states, despite governments’ awareness campaigns highlighting potential impacts of aquatic pollution, there is a very limited act
As a sensitivity analysis, we also examined mortality in the age range of 1 to 10 years; this analysis also revealed statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups (relative rate, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.29-0.86; P = .01; treated average mortality rate, 3.8 per 1000...
Coverage survey of typhoid conjugate vaccine among children aged 6 months to 15 years in an urban slum settlement of Lyari Town Karachi, Pakistan 2023, PLoS ONE A Successful National and Multipartner Approach to Increase Immunization Coverage: The Democratic Republic of Congo Mashako Plan 2018-2020...
Besides, the study made by Boisjoly [32] implies that an improvement of firms' inventory management can be explained by the growth of inventory turnover over fifteen years. Also, the study of Rahman and Nasr [10] on the performance of the firm which is measured by the return on assets ...
Their political thinking is shaped by EPRDF teachings of the last 28 years. As Dr. Abiy Ahmed who was the Chairperson of EPRDF and currently the President of PP himself put it, PP is the chick hatched from the egg of the decayed EPRDF (
the cumulative water deficit at AHD increased from 38.8 bcm/10 years (the natural deficit without GERD) to 58.5 bcm/12 years triggered by GERD operation rule level = 620 m, which increased Egypt’s water budget deficit by 19.7 bcm distributed over 12 years (Fig.6) which has an equivalen...
Understanding and Responding to Ageing, Health, Poverty and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Strategic Framework and Plan for Research. In Proceedings of the Outcomes of the Oxford Conference on Research on Ageing, Health and Poverty in Africa: Forging Directions for the Future, Oxford, UK...