The turbulence is disturbing the kids乱流让孩子们心烦意乱 When strainpull is sweving swerving the kids当Strainpull横冲直撞的时候 And swerving the graves and crimping the homes在坟墓前横冲直撞把房子挤得水泄不通 So live for the grief is what least in my home所以为悲伤而活吧这是我最不...
When strainpull is sweving swerving the kids And swerving the graves and crimping the homes So live for the grief is what least in my home I don't wanna see another child on it's own No shoes no clothes no food no home come on it is Alright Everything will be alright ...
Bethelhem grew up in a rural area of Ethiopia. She was raised by her grandmother who had a job as a day laborer. Even though her grandmother worked hard, they didn’t have many resources, and Bethelhem started school later than most kids. “Growing up in the rural area, it’s not c...
Ethiopia is among the 15 countries in Africa selected for the study, which will be conducted jointly by the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment and Programs at Columbia University (ICAP),...
The following poems of Ethiopia provide a small glimpse of an aspect of Ethiopian life that has had little, if any, external exposure. Amharic poetry could prove to be a modest but laudable contributor towards enlightening the masses. It is almost imposs
The source populations for this study were all children aged 0–23 months and all children aged 0–5 months in Ethiopia for EIBF and EBF, respectively. We used the Kids record dataset (KR file), and a total weighted sample of 10,616 children aged 0–23 months was included for the EI...
It was tough for us to fly to different parts of the world under restrictions and leave our families behind. How do you relax in your spare time? I am a wife and a mother, so I spend most of my spare hours having quality time with my husband and the kids. But when I am not ...
"but it happened in a school and I'm in a school every day with kids, and just going into that school and to look at those faces and to think it could be them or it could be me ... for me that was it." Rose's 31-year-old daughter, Wendy Caya, is also a teacher, working...
I asked if he had messages for the family. He said: "Hello, be brave". He did not want "complications". Finally, he asked us to ensure he was "buried in England" – it was important for children to know where their parent/s ended up. ...
The turbulence is disturbing the kids When strainpull is sweving swerving the kids And swerving the graves and crimping the homes So live for the grief is what least in my home I don't wanna see another child on it's own No shoes no clothes no food no home come on it is ...