ADDIS ABABA, April 19 (Xinhua) -- Ethiopia's inflation rate rose to 34.7 percent in March, up from 33.6 percent in February, according to the latest data released by Ethiopia's Central Statistical Agency (CSA). CSA also disclosed the inflation rate for food items reached 43.4 percent in Ma...
FILE - In this March 21, 2018 file photo, people walk past the gate of the Eastern Industrial Zone in Ethiopia in the town of Dukem near the capital, Addis Ababa. Ethiopian garment factory workers are now, on average, the lowest paid in any major garment-producing company worldwide, a ...
Multicollinearity was checked using variance inflation factors (VIF), and there was no multicollinearity between independent variables. The study of effect measures was done using the RR with 95% CI and p-values. A bivariate generalized linear analysis was performed between the birthweight of neonates...
Variance inflation factors WHO: World Health Organization References World Health Organization. Infant and young child feeding [Internet]. [cited 2021 Nov 24]. Available from: Robert KW, Parris TM, Leiserowitz ...
Also, multi-collinearity was checked using the variance inflation factor for predictor variables. The goodness of model fitness was also checked by Nelson Aalen cumulative hazard function against Cox-Snell residual. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, the association between variables was summarized ...
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Ethiopia on Wednesday said it is investigating “credible allegations of atrocities and human rights abuses” in its embattled Tigray region, including in the city of Axum, where The Associated Press and Amnesty International have
The situation is exacerbated by Ethiopia’s low salaries, which are among the lowest in Africa, and rapidly increasing inflation, which severely impacts families’ welfare when payment is delayed [52]. In-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and the 2022 South Omo zone health department ...
However, this practice introduces the risk of either over-inflation, potentially leading to issues like sore throat, tracheoesophageal fistula, and tracheal stenosis, or under-inflation of the tracheal cuff, which could contribute to the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia [24]. In addition...
Multicollinearity was checked using variance inflation factor (VIF) and it was less than 10 for all independent variables. The fitness of the model was checked using Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test and it was fit with P-value of 0.067. In the model, adjusted odds ratio (AOR), ...
FILE - In this Monday, Nov. 30, 2020 file photo, Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed responds to questions from members of parliament at the prime minister's office in the capital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopia's leader said in an address before lawmakers Tuesday, March 23, 2021 th...