Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency PHF: Public health facility HHS: Household size OOP: Out of pocket SHI: Social health insurance UHC: Universal health coverage WTJ: Willingness to join WTP: Willingness to pay. Ethical Approval This study was conducted after getting ethical appr...
An SHI proclamation was approved in 2010, making enrolment mandatory for formal sector workers and establishing the Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency (EHIA) to administer the scheme. The MoH launched 13 CBHI pilots in 2010/11. Originally CBHI was to be mandatory also. This was one of the ...
Data and input parameters were extracted from the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and the published literature. We used the 2016 round of the Ethiopian DHS (Central Statistical Agency (CSA) Ethiopia and ICF, 2016). Note that this pertains to the period shortly before the tobacco ...
Mahber’s main purposes are “serving God, social networking, information exchange, conflict resolution and reconciliation, entertainment, and social insurance.”Footnote66Conflict resolution and reconciliation are an integral part of a Mahber, and every time the members meet, they ask if there is a...
2020. International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization. Cancer fact sheets, Ethiopia 2020. GLOBOCAN (2020). Accessed April 7, 2023. Federal Ministry of Health Ethiopia. National cancer ...
The Ethiopian Public Health Institute and the Ethiopian Ministry of Health conducted the recent ESPA survey. Financial and technical support was provided by the United States Agency for International Development and the International Classification Functioning Company (ICF International) under the DHS ...
Abbreviations CBHI, community based health insurance; CI, confidence interval; COR, crude odds ratio; EHIA, Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency; ETB, Ethiopian Birr; FGD, focus group discussion; HH, household; LMIC, low- and mid dle-income countries; OOP, out-of-pocket payment; OPD, out ...
PDF Tools Share Abstract The study aims to analyze climate variability and farmers’ perception in Southern Ethiopia. Gridded annual temperature and precipitation data were obtained from the National Meteorological Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia for the period between 1983 and 2014. Using a multistage sampli...
In Ethiopia, OOP health spending impoverishes a significant number of the population. Although the country had piloted and initiated many reforms, e.g. the fee waiver system and community-based health insurance, a significant proportion of the population still lacks financial protection. The estimates...
Addis Ababa: Pharmaceuticals Fund and Supply Agency; 2015. Google Scholar The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health. Drug financing in ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Ethiopean Ministry of Helth (EMoH); 2007. Federal Minstry of Health (Ethiopia). A Directive to Provide Legal ...