Lederman, R. (2007). Comparative ‘Research’; A Modest Proposal concerning the Object of Ethics Regulation. PoLAR (Political and Legal Anthropology Review), 30 (2), 305–327.See, for example, Rena Lederman, "Comparative `Research': A Modest Proposal Concerning the Object of Ethics Regulation...
The use of placebos in clinical research has been a matter of considerable debate in recent years, notably when the World Medical Association published, in 2002, a note of clarification for paragraph 29 of the Helsinki Declaration. Brazil is known for its strong opposition to the flexible use ...
Anyone who believes that research published by John Benjamins Publishing Company or the publication process has not been carried out in line with the principles described in this Statement, should raise their concern with the relevant (journal) editor and/or email ethicsbenjamins.nl....
A concrete example is reforestation with species that capture high amounts of carbon but are very poor in ecosystem functioning. Neither is equity factored in, with the Global South and its peoples likely to face the greater burden of becoming ‘nature positive’, as biodiversity is largely in ...
See for example RFC 8280, (Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), RFC 8280, by. N. Ten Oever and C, Cathy, Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations, October 2017, available athttps://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8280.txt) and the human rights check lists developed by the. ...
This specific statement has thus been highlighted as a key feature in considering the adequacy of the US IRB model for AI research [25]. Importantly, we should be cautious in universalising models of ethics given cultural and contextual variation in values and practices, and in capacity and pro...
Statement from the UMC Council of Bishops, June 5, 2024 Read more in this article featured onUM & Global. CategoriesUncategorized Deacons Granted Sacramental Authority in the UMC May 2, 2024byDarryl W. Stephens As of January 1, 2025, deacons in the UMC will have full sacramental authority....
This essay would then present its argument in a thesis statement, such as "Despite the historical context in which he/she was writing, it seems that Aristotle believed in the equality of the sexes." Then, the writer would seek to defend this interpretation using various examples and quotations...
Resonating with this statement from participant #20, a thematic analysis of the 25 interviews revealed that participants attributed two primary functions to the portfolio— it acted as both a space for self-positioning and as a space for self-discovering. This is elaborated on in the following ...
000 for at least one year. The proposal must be received at the company’s principal executive offices not less than 120 calendar days before the release of company's annual proxy statement, with shareholder intent to maintain the requisite interest through the annual meeting. For more formation...