Research17 Dec 2024European Journal of Human Genetics P: 1-11 What patients and caregivers want to know when consenting to the use of digital behavioral markers Anika Sonig Christine Deeney Kristin Kostick-Quenet ResearchOpen Access06 Dec 2024NPP—Digital Psychiatry and Neuroscience ...
2. Editors should deal with every manuscript fairly and justly, and make a decision of accept/reject according to aim and scope of journal, novelty and academic nature of manuscript. Timely register, submit to peer-review after passing initial review, edit and publish after passing final review....
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For the accepted manuscripts, if academic misconduct is found, the journal has the right to reject the manuscripts and notify the author unit and relevant journals. For published papers, if academic misconduct is found, the journal will withdraw the manuscript and publish a withdrawal statement. Th...
all research articles that our journal editors choose to have reviewed are done so under a double-blind process by two external reviewers. Some material may be invited in which case it will be peer reviewed by either a member of the editorial board or by an external, non-board member but ...
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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement by Journal of Genomics and Gene StudyPratibha NallariiMedPub
If the ethical concern is well-founded, a correction, retraction or other note as may be relevant, will be published in the book or journal. All authors should disclose any financial or other substantive conflict of interest in their manuscript that might be construed to influence its results ...
Anderson, K., Waxman, M. C. (2013). Law and ethics for autonomous weapon systems: Why a ban won’t work and how the laws of WAR can.SSRN Journal, 1–32. Asimov, I. (2004).I, Robot. New York: Random House LLC. Google Scholar ...
If an error or misconduct are confirmed, a correction or retraction is published in the journal. We investigate any misconduct in cooperation with the Ethical Committee of the corresponding University/Clinical center. While investigating an article, we also publish the statement "Expression of Conce...