A symposium on the Ethics of ResearchAngel Shopov
研究伦理学(Research ethics)运动与营养技术伦理学(Sport and nutrition technoethics) 远程医学伦理学(Telemedicine eth… blog.sciencenet.cn|基于11个网页 3. 研究倫理 研究倫理(Research Ethics)是社工研究中极 为重要的一环,不仅是在研究进行之前,而是贯穿整个研究流程。兹以研究执行 … ...
ACEP Now offers real-time clinical news, news from the American College of Emergency Physicians, and news on practice trends and health care reform for the emergency medicine physician. ACEP Now is an official publication of the American College of Emerg
Ethics, the philosophical discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. Its subject consists of fundamental issues of practical decision making, and its major concerns include the nature of ultimate value and the sta
Ethical Approval不仅仅是对受试者的保护,也会帮助研究者招募到更多的参与者。以纽卡斯尔大学为例,纽大会设立University Ethics Committee(UEC),这个委员会下面又会设立四个Research Ethics Committees(RECs),分别是: Animal Welfare Ethics ReviewBoard(AWERB)
“But the data is already public”: on the ethics of research in Facebook In 2008, a group of researchers publicly released profile data collected from the Facebook accounts of an entire cohort of college students from a US unive... M Zimmer - 《Ethics & Information Technology》 被引量:...
Towards a common framework for assessing the activity and associations of groups who sexually abuse children Extensive social psychological research emphasises the importance of groups in shaping individuals' thoughts and actions. Within the child sexual abuse (CS... E Cockbain,H Brayley,J Sullivan -...
It constitutes a pluralistic source of perspectives and an important tribune which accepts the contributions of authors compromised with the interdisciplinary study of ethical determinants and consequences of techno scientific research. 主要研究方向:医学-ETHICS 伦理学;MEDICAL ETHICS 医学:伦理;SOCIAL SCIENCES...
that we have a responsibility to act ethically to our customers, suppliers, business associates, and fellow SITE members, and this should take precedence over all other interests. that the best interests of all are served when we pay fair wages and provide steady employment, education, and caree...
Researchers from the Oxford Martin Programme on Ethical Web and Data Architectures (EWADA), University of Oxford, have called for a more considered approach when embedding ethical principles in the development and governance ...