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Notes This study received approval from the University of Waterloo’s Office of Research Ethics, and all necessary protocols were followed. References Albers, S., Wohlgezogen, F., & Zajac, E. J. (2016). Strategic alliance structures: An organization design perspective. Journal of Management, ...
Notes See The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) guidelines on e-commerce, pp 249–263, Accessed 7 October 2020. Consumer International is a champion in the sustainable consumer movement for ...
From the community’s point of view, a paradox is hence created. The same corporation that pollutes and damages their place also provides the material infrastructure that sustains life in the community (e.g., work, education, health). This makes it very difficult or even “irresponsible” for...
Bowen, F., Newenham-Kahindi, A., & Herremans, I. (2010). When suits meet roots: The antecedents and consequences of community engagement strategy.Journal of Business Ethics,95(2), 297–318. ArticleGoogle Scholar Bridge, G. (2004). Contested terrain: Mining and the environment.Annual Review...
Field notes were systematically taken and recorded in research logbooks and analyzed using an inductive approach to explore themes related to health governance and integrated interventions. The study was approved by the research ethics committees in Burkina Faso and at the University of Montreal ...