Design/methodology/approach - Our model is based on the professional values of justice, utility, competence and utility, i.e. JUCI model, which is a straightforward and easily understandable ethical decision-making model that the average accounting professional, as well as finance professionals in ...
Her research interests include examining the efficacy and effectiveness of the use of art in counseling. Abstract The ETHICS model is a theoretical grounded ethical decision-making model that draws from the latest relevant literature in ethics and integrates multiple theoretical perspectives. Specifically,...
By making ethical decisions, businesses can build a positive reputation and create long-term value for all parties involved. One perspective on the role of ethics in business decision-making is that it is essential for creating a sustainable business model. In today's interconnected world, ...
ethics plus decision making model -回复 人们在日常生活中经常面临各种抉择,无论是小到选择吃什么,还是大到决定职业发展,都需要遵循一种伦理标准并采取决策模型。本文将探讨伦理和决策模型如何相辅相成,并提供一个具体的步骤来回答伦理问题和做出决策。 首先,我们来了解一下伦理和决策模型的概念。伦理学是研究道德...
ethicsdecision矩阵matrixmaking伦理 EAPA Model (Jeffery P. Christie/Marilyn Rumsey) ¹ Workplace Model (Diana C. Dale) Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Charles L. Beem (Ethics & the EAP Manager) FACTS / ISSUES What is potential ethical issue(s) in this situation?Competing values or interest...
Decision Making The key ingredient of making ethical decisions is having in place ethical leaders who model ethical behavior. I have previously blogged about ethical leadership. In today’s blog, I will point out how ethical leaders create the kind of organization culture and climate...Read more...
Antecedents Insider groups, chiefly owners (shareholders) and TMT -- the politics of decision-making.Outsider groups, chiefly consumers -- usually exercise their influence on the firm through voice. Instrumental motives The Anglo-American model:Dispersed ownership expecting short-term returns, strong sha...
A Behavioral Model of Ethical and Unethical Decision Making A model is developed which identifies and describes various factors which affect ethical and unethical behavior in organizations, including a decision-maker's social, government and legal, work, professional and personal environments. Th... M...
根据文献[11],人工智能伦理所研究的内容可以大体分为两个方面:人工智能伦理学(Ethics of AI)和伦理人工智能(Ethical AI)。其中,人工智能伦理学主要研究与人工智能相关的伦理理论、指导方针、政策、原则、规则和法规。伦理人工智能主要研究如何遵循伦理规范来设计和实现行为合乎伦理的人工智能[11]。人工智能伦理学是构建...
Teaching, irrespective of its geographical location, is fundamentally a relational practice in which unique ethically complex situations arise to which teachers need to respond at different levels of ethical decision-making. These range from ‘big’ abstract questions about whether or not what they teac...