There is some difficulty, already known to Plato, with the view that morality was created by a divine power. In his dialogueEuthyphro, Plato considered the suggestion that it is divine approval that makes an actiongood. Plato pointed out that, if this were the case, one could not say that...
同学们千万不可以忽略信息表(Information Sheet)和同意书(Consent Form)的重要性,在大家论文的附录,也不要忘记了把这两份文件放进去。 每所大学都会在网上给大家提供一些模板。以纽卡斯尔大学为例,可以在这个网址中找...
Some scholars have argued the ethics approval process, for example, is antithetical to certain disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, while others are willing to give it qualified support. This article uses a case study to cast the debate about how to address the weaknesses in ethics...
If IACUC approval was obtained you can use the example below: The XXX Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approved the experimental procedures used in this study (approval no. XYZ123) on Month DD, YYYY. An example on animal welfare: ...
Is their approval entirely arbitrary? Plato considered this impossible and so held that there must be some standards of right or wrong that are independent of the likes and dislikes of the gods. Modern philosophers have generally accepted Plato’s argument, because thealternativeimplies that if, fo...
This study aims to address the research gap on algorithmic discrimination caused by AI-enabled recruitment and explore technical and managerial solutions. The primary research approach used is a literature review. The findings suggest that AI-enabled rec
In order to achieve this goal, ethical considerations are integrated into development processes from the beginning, in order to anticipate, identify, and work to address any ethically significant issues that may arise at all phases of development: planning, ethics approval, designing, programming, ...
As a minimum, a statement including the project identification code, date of approval, and name of the ethics committee or institutional review board must be stated in the ‘Institutional Review Board Statement’ Section of the article.Example of an Institutional review board statement: “The study...
Williams High School, Virginia, WomenTags "New Due Process Army" ("NDPA"), Afghan Refugees, Alexandria Community High School (Formerly TC Williams HS), Alexandria Times, Audrey Keefe, Due Process, immigration, immigrationcourtside, Refugees, Soccer, Values, Welcoming Students, WomenLeave a comment...
It makes sense to ask: “I know that I have a feeling of approval toward this, but is it good?” It was the emotivists’ view, however, that moral judgments make no statements of fact at all. The emotivists could not be defeated by the open-question argument because they agreed...