Stahl, B.C., Wright, D.: Ethics and privacy in ai and big data: implementing responsible research and innovation. IEEE Secur. Priv. 16(3), 26–33 (2018) Article Google Scholar The Institute for Ethical AI in Education. Interim report: towards a shared vision of ethical AI in education...
例如,ACM自 2018 年以来举办了年度ACM FAccT会议,AAAI和ACM自2018年起开始举办AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES),第31届国际人工智能联合会议和第23届欧洲人工智能会议(IJCAI-ECAI 2022)提供关于“AI for good”的special track。 据我们所知,现有技术方法方面的工作主要...
With the advancement of technology and the internet of things, the capacity to collect data has given new meaning to surveillance and brought into focus the value of privacy. Is Read More » In Your Face: DeepFakes meet DeepEthics / Conference on Judaism, Jews, and AI (ASU) The wor...
we need to be aware of their limitations. In this specialization, we will explore the rise of algorithms, fundamental issues of fairness and bias in machine learning, and basic concepts involved in security and privacy of machine learning projects. We'll finish with a study of 3 projects that...
Several key challenges arise in the development of AI transparency standards, frameworks, and legislation, including balancing transparency with privacy, ensuring intellectual property rights, and addressing security concerns. Promoting adaptable, sector-specific transparency regulatory structures is critical in ...
Deloitte survey: AI adoption raising concerns about trust, reputational damage, ethics Sep 24, 2024By Ian Sherr As the artificial intelligence boom sweeps into the business world, employees are increasingly concerned about ethics questions and data privacy, a new Deloitte survey found, leading them ...
Artificial intelligence tools can help save lives in a pandemic. However, the need to implement technological solutions rapidly raises challenging ethical issues. We need new approaches for ethics with urgency, to ensure AI can be safely and beneficially used in the COVID-19 response and beyond. ...
Our Code of Conduct Lenovo’s Code of Conduct is our foundation for having a positive impact. It helps empower everyone who works at Lenovo to understand the responsibilities we have. More to Explore
Pre-existing bias, which has its roots in the practices and attitudes of society and individuals within that society. Pre-existing biases can, of course, be introduced deliberately but are often included unconsciously. This same concept is sometimes called ‘data bias’ when it comes to AI syste...
As digital technologies become more pervasive in everyday life and the Internet is utilized in ever increasing ways by both private and public entities, concern over digital threats becomes more prevalent. The Advances in Information Security, Privacy, & Ethics (AISPE) Book Series provides cutting...