Danielle Nelsona Department of Psychology, Palo Alto UniversityTilman Schultea Department of Psychology, Palo Alto UniversityWendy Packmana Department of Psychology, Palo Alto UniversityE.L. Bungea Department of Psychology, Palo Alto UniversityEdinburgh University PressEthics And Behavior...
Of particular concern is the issue of informal consent when the school psychologist is an active member of the school problem solving team. Following a delineation of the issues, severnl school practice dilemmas are examined and suggestions are offered for dealing with consultation on individual ...
Free Essay: Ethical guidelines and standards are a vital component in the field of psychology because they provide professionals with a precedent for...
The field of sport psychology is dynamic and growing. To continue building credibility with the public and allied professionals, effective and ethical practice is crucial. Advances in technology have allowed sport psychology professionals to consult with athletes from a distance, but practitioners must ...
How we make use of our time at work can be an ethical issue. Prior to the Internet,people "wasted time" at work in a variety of ways: playing solitaire (or Minesweeper) on their desktop computers, having a conversation with co-workers, pretending to be busy, daydreaming, or taking a ...
Ethical principles are especially pertinent to the conduct of professionals in psychology andpsychiatry. The hard work comes when principles are in conflict, and clinicians must consider what values, biases, and obligations matter most. In the field of biomedicalethics, Tom Beauchamp and J...
Ethical issue in medical research ETHICS-Greek word: ethos=custom or convention, or the spirit of community Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity: Oxford dictionary (2014) Development of Ethical Codes Nuremberg code, 1947 Helsinki Declaration 1965, rewri...
It is not surprising that privacy was the most discussed ethical issue in relation to SHHTs in caregiving. The topic of privacy, especially in relation to monitoring technologies and/or health, has been widely discussed (see for example [102,103,104]. A particularly interesting finding within ...
In what they call their “manual of the sanities”—a positive psychology handbook describing contemporary research on strengths of character—Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman argue that “there is no true disadvantage of having too much self-control.” This claim is widely endorsed in the...
An argument for aborting the baby: Having a child with Downs will dramatically impede yourcareerand personal life. And if you abort that child, you can choose to have another, who likely will not have the disorder. In either case, you’re bringing one child into the world. Why not bring...