Ethical principles associated with the publication of research in ASHA's scholarly journals: importance and adequacy of coverage. The survey contained 4 questions related to ethical principles associated with the publication of research: (a) In regard to scientific integrity in research... JC Ingham,...
Some ethical issues in research on the housing of older people In this article some ethical issues that arise in research on older people and their housing are discussed. It starts by underlining the importance of defining older people, the dangers of generalising, and the effect of excluding ...
research involving humans or animals are necessary to ensure that money is spent appropriately. These include the importance of publishing findings in a transparent way, not plagiarizing others’ work, and not falsifying work or fabrication.
culture, etc.” I am using the word ethics as it applies to a class of human actions (UX Research) and specifically, I am defining the rules of conduct we need to consider in UX research as:
The importance of accountability when analysing data and disseminating findings is highlighted. A Research Advisory Group, including two people with learning difficulties, was set up to give guidance on the study. Steps were taken, but not enough, to facilitate their involvement in the meetings. ...
Through practical use of the template, we have gained valuable experience in addressing challenges in the ethical review process, such as the importance of sharing details of the latest developments in genomics with members of research ethics committees. We discuss certain limitations of the ...
The Importance of Ethical PeerReview: Why Do We Ask Authors to Suggest Reviewers Anyway? Eric J. Murphy 0 0 Department of Basic Sciences, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of North Dakota , 501 N. Columbia Rd., Room 3700, Grand Forks, ND 58202-9037 , USA 1 Eric J. ...
Their experience is that lecturers can carry out research on their own students, even at small campuses, in an ethical manner. They highlight the importance of opening a dialogue with the ethics committee at the institution.ClarkLecturerEileen...
The importance of cultural considerations in the promotion of ethical research with human biologic material Although ethical consideration has been given to a wide variety of issues that arise in the collection and storage of human biologic material for research,... GL Jenkins,J Sugarman - 《Journ...
During the same era, John Wesley, a founder of Methodism, preached the importance of refraining from investing in industries that harm one’s neighbor, such as chemical plants.2Another example of a religious-based ethical investing regime is seen inIslamic banking, which shuns investments in alco...