This study examined the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence-based Tools (AIT) in higher education, focusing on graduate business students. Drawing from
Many respondents assessed the situation based on the accounting ethics principles they were taught. As Table 11 shows, 23% of commenters note the scenario is likely the result of a conflict of interest that Sharon should have prevented by excusing herself from the engagement. Moreover, 11% ...
In this situation, your ability to acknowledge the patient’s right to make their own health care decisions is important, but your responsibility to inform them about the broader implications of their choice, both for their health and the health of the community, is ...
the restaurant culture has not been fully ready for a devastating COVID-19 crisis. Food delivery solutions have suddenly become a business-saver instead of an additional option to a traditional eat-in model. I don’t mean, however, that the trend was started by the pandemic ...
Jennings, a business ethics professor at Arizona State University, published the model in her 2006 book, "The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse." Her seven signs are: Pressure to maintain numbers. Fear and silence. Young ‘uns, and a bigger-than-life CEO. A weak board. Conflicts (of ...
Simultaneously, massive media coverage following authorities and governmental organizations was deployed on the situation and measures (Krawczyk et al., 2021). In this context, it was reasonable to think that members of the veg* community, especially vegans, were at an ethical crossroads for facing...
A generative AI model designed for disease prediction needs to have a clear definition of the use situation and patient criteria. In addition, such generative AI models should be safe, secure, and effective throughout their life cycles. Generative AI models should be demonstrated to be at least...
course modules for interpreting training in most universities in China are shared by a wide range of courses, such as Chinese-English/English-Chinese Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting, Interpreting Theory and Practice, Interpreting Fundamentals, Business Interpreting, Conference Interpreting, Mock Conf...
This study examines the ethical dilemmas that social workers confront when referring to privately owned therapeutic boarding schools, using Iowa’s Mi
ethically questionable because of the characteristics of informed consent. “Valid informed consent requires clear and accurate recognition of the situation, absence of coercion (physical or psychological), and competence to make decisions (or representation, in the case of minors and incompetent adults)...