接下来的2个字节标识出以太网帧所携带的上层数据类型,如下: IPv4: 0x0800 ARP:0x0806 PPPoE:0x8864 802.1Q tag: 0x8100 IPV6: 0x86DD MPLS Label:0x8847 在不定长的数据字段后是4个字节的帧校验序列(Frame. Check Sequence,FCS) EtherType 是以太帧里的一个字段,用来指明应用于帧数据字段的协议。根据 IE...
3 GGP (Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol) 4 IPv4 6 TCP 8 EGP (Exterior Gateway Control) 9 IGP 17 UDP 27 RDP 41 IPv6 43 IPv6 Route 58 IPv6-ICMP 118 STP (Schedule Transfer Protocol) 121 SMP (Simple Message Protocol) 143 EThernet UDP Port 20 FTP Data Transfer 21 FTP Control 22 SSH 23 Te...
⽹络协议之EtherType、IpProtocol、UDPPort、特殊MAC地址0x0806 ARP 0x8035 RARP 0x7800 ADP(私有Address Discovery Protocol)0x814C SNMP 0x0800 IPv4 0x86dd IPv6 0x8847/0x8848 MPLS 0x8863 PPPoE Discovery 0x8864 PPPoE Session 0x8137 IPX/SPX 0x8809 IEEE802.3对链路聚合和LACP进⾏标准化后定义的慢...
IPv4 ユニキャスト アドレス 2-926, 2-940 VLAN インターフェイス ステータス 2-810 VLAN 設定情報 2-810 最大ルート システム コンフィギュレーショ ン 2-941 ネクストホップ情報 2-810 不一致 クリア 2-48 表示 2-807 CIR レートの設定 2-469 Cisco Appliance Services Architecture...
EtherTypenumbering generally starts from 0x0800. In modern implementations of Ethernet, the field within the Ethernet frame used to describe theEtherTypealso can be used to represent the size of the payload of the Ethernet Frame. Historically, depending on the type of Ethernet framing that was in...
SupportDeviceGuid0 ClientMessageDeviceGuid ServerMessageDeviceGuid TestScript要執行的測試作業逗號分隔清單 其他資源 訓練 模組 Configure IP network connectivity - Training This module explores configuring Windows clients to communicate over IPv4 and IPv6 networks....
tcpdump 是一款强大的网络抓包工具,它使用 libpcap 库来抓取网络数据包,这个库在几乎在所有的 Linux/Unix 中都有。熟悉 tcpdump 的使用能够帮助你分析调试网络数据,本文将通过一个个具体的示例来介绍它在不同场景下的使用方法。不管你是系统管理员,程序员,云原生工程师还是 yaml 工程师,掌握 tcpdump 的使用都...
0x45 - version 4, header length 5 4-byte words or 20 bytes (standard IPv4 header size with no options) 0x00 - type of service 0x00 0x28 - total length, 40 bytes 0xab 0x82 - identification 0x00 0x00 - flags and fragment offset; the fragment offset is 0, and the MF flag isn't...
- IPv4 / IPv6 dual-stack. - The VPN server runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X. - Configure All settings on GUI. - Multi-languages (English, Japanese and Simplified-Chinese). - More details at http://www.softether.org/. GETTING STARTED --- Visit the SoftEther...