Problem was some "contact" guess since when I opened laptop LAN port was working. Just closed it and it is still working.. No software of hardware changes made...Thanks for support! Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply mrjcpu Beginner 03-08-2023 07:45 AM 14,533 V...
Hi! I have a PC with an ITX board. The ethernet port stopped working out of nowhere. The PC has a PCIE slot that is populated with a GPU, so PCIE and PCI ethernet port cards are out of the question. I was wondering how good ethernet to USB adapters are.
✅ My Ethernet Port is not Working?:I'm trying to use Ethernet with my PC it was working fine then suddenly stopped for no reason at all? it doesn't show up in the control panel but it...
<<. My new cables ... are connected to a 5 port switch >> I suspect the switch is not working properly. a dead port or simply not working. Self-assigned UP address is the address the port gives itself at power-up. it is typically replaced so quickly with a good local IP address,...
Ethernet Port Not Working Hello all. I have an iMac where the ethernet port stopped working after a storm. my modem took a direct hit. I replaced the modem and the cable going to mac. 3 other devices i have plugged into the modem are working fine. i did the smc reset as well as ...
Hey, my google-fu has failed me in finding an answer to this problem so hoping you guys might be able to I have a ZyXEL P8702N and 2 weeks ago the speed of any device plugged into Port 1 dropped from 600 Mb/s to 90 Mb/s - changed my Ethernet cable to Port 3 and problem solve...
Issues with integrated Ethernet and PCI-E Ethernet adapters: Hello, Recently my on-board Ethernet port stopped working. At first I noticed that I no longer had the Wired Connection in the bottom right of my taskbar, instead replaced by the Wi-Fi symbol. I checked to make sure t...
The first one worked for a few weeks before the ethernet port stopped working. They were good about quickly sending a replacement. After a few months, the second one just died; all ports except one of the HDMI ports no longer work. I emailed Mokin support a few days ago but have yet ...
cable is most likely to be connected to a port on a router device. There are 2-3 ports on a router usually that can deliver output ethernet connection. Try to change the port of the output ethernet from your router and see if that works to fix the ethernet not working in Windows 10....
The server stopped receiving TCP data in Wireshark approximately 10:29 AM. It appeared that connections to remote clients simply terminated. The OS showed TCP ports were listening but nothing was established. I could telnet from another computer to server on TCP listene...