之后的48bit是发送主机的以太网地址,我们并不能从这个地址发现什么,实际上这个地址是运行在QEMU下的XV6生成的地址,所以地址中的前24bit并不是网卡制造商的编号,而是QEMU编造的地址。 接下来的16bit是以太网packet的类型,这里的类型是0x0806,对应的协议是ARP。 剩下的部分是ARP packet的payload。发布...
08 00 --- 00 01 : ICMP PACKET,共 8 个字节 08 : ICMP_TYPE,1 个字节。 00 : ICMP_CODE,1 个字节。 bc 04 : ICMP 检查和 1b 21 : ICMP 标识 00 01 : ICMP 数据包序列号 二、ETHERNET 数据包的协议类型 TYPE 的值为 0x0806:ARP协议,即:ETHERTYPE_ARP, 该值在 /usr/include/net/ethernet...
1、以太网帧格式 Ethernet frame strucure 2、IP数据包格式 IPv4 Packet_structure IPv6 Packer structure 3、TCP数据段格式 TCP segment structure 4、UDP数据段格式 UDP datagram structure 5、ARP数据包格式 ARP Packet structure 6、参考资料 以太网数据格式与封装解封 以太网帧格式、IP数据包格式、TCP数据段格式...
// IP地址长度ARPPacket.arpFrame.Prot_Addr_Len = (unsigned char)4; SendARPPacket • • • void CSender::SendARPPacket(short nAdapterIndex) { char *AdapterDeviceName = CSysInfo::GetCurAdapterName(nAdapterIndex); //获得网卡名字lpAdapter = PacketOpenAdapter(AdapterDeviceName); //打开网卡 ...
0x0806:ARP协议,在/usr/include/net/ethernet.h 中有定义,其值为:ETHERTYPE_ARP 00 01 --- f9 58 : ARP PACKET,共28个字节 00 01 :硬件地址格式,2个字节 08 00 :协议地址格式,2个字节 06 :硬件地址长度,1个字节 04 :协议地址长度,1个字节 00 01 :可选项,2个字节,0x0001:ARPOP_REQUEST, 0x0002...
经研究发现,网络设计为了更加灵活而采用了各种隧道技术,加上了各种各样的头部封装,让原来可以正常通行的IP packet,因为加上新的头部信息臃肿(变长)而无法正常通行,需要做瘦身手术(分片),这个过程我们称之为IP Fragment,到达目的地再把这些IP fragmented packet重组成一个完整IP packet,这个过程我们称之为重组IP Reass...
This abroadcastARP packet sent by So every host in the same subnet will receive the packet. But the ARP is to try find the MAC address of So only the host which have the IP address of will reply.Now “my” host’s IP address is 192.168.1....
代码实现:可以分析ethernet、arp、ip、icmp、udp、tcp六种协议的数据字段,以及识别应用层协议 运行效果: 这里我只输出了一些关键的信息,其他的字段信息,可以把下面的注释掉即可 环境配置: 注意这里导入的配置文件路径是否正确 main.c #include <stdio.h>
31、iated by packet 6 another ARP request. Why is there no ARP reply (sent in response to the ARP request in packet 6) in the packet trace? This a broadcast ARP packet sent by 04. So every host in the same subnet will receive the packet. But the ARP is to try find the MAC addr...
ARP/2/hwEthernetARPMACIPConflict_active: MAC and IP address conflict. (Conflict interface=[LogicIfName], Conflict MAC address=[ConflictMAC], Conflict IP address=[ConflictIP], Received packet's destination MAC address=[DstMAC], Received packet's destination IP address=[DstIP], Received packet'...