Ethereum's(CRYPTO:ETH)long-awaited Merge, a major system revamp, is expected to occur between Sept. 10 and Sept. 20 and will -- according to the blockchain's co-founder -- most likely occur between Sept. 13 and Sept. 15. The final upgrade of the blockchain befor...
Let’s back up for a second and figure out what has changed since ‘ The Merge ’. The upgrade finally brought a new consensus mechanism to Ethereum. Instead of the old Proof of Work, blocks are now produced via Proof of Stake . Proof of Work finds consensus via block hashes and a ...
The Merge refers to the integration of Ethereum’s original execution layer (mainnet) with its new proof-of-stake consensus layer (Beacon Chain). This transition eliminates the need for energy-intensive mining and allows the network to be secured through staked ETH. ...
Post-merge, however, the block time has become more predictable and consistent, averaging approximately 12 s. This enhancement in block time can be ascribed to the accelerated and more efficient block processing facilitated by the PoS mechanism, as well as alterations to the transaction fee ...