在Geth的Javascript控制台中可以使用debug.printBlock(blockNumber)函数查看区块的详细信息,首先我们查一下父区块4,421,543: $echo-e`geth --exec"debug.printBlock(4421543)"attach`Block(#4421543): Size: 837.00 B {MinerHash: f4d068b903a67890cac5ddaff94a66d99a0464dfeef1c0bab3c7b3a7bf2965e4 Header(...
IsMining函数判断是否处于挖矿状态。 Miner函数返回以太坊的挖矿器。 AccountManager函数返回以太坊的账户管理器。 BlockChain函数返回以太坊的区块链。 TxPool函数返回以太坊的交易池。 EventMux函数返回以太坊的事件处理器。 Engine函数返回以太坊的执行引擎。 ChainDb函数返回以太坊的链数据库。 IsListening函数判断节点是...
Jasminer X16-P 针对 EtHash ETC 算法进行了微调,是一款一流的以太坊经典矿机,具有 5800Mh/s 的出色哈希率,功耗仅为 1900W,有助于实现最佳能源效率。此外,Jasminer X16-P 的噪音水平降低了约 10db,Jasminer X16-P 于 2023 年 8 月推出,采用行业标准设计,重量为 14000 克,尺寸为 212 x 300 x 374 ...
Ethereum Classic miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support ETCHASH (classic mainnet) This fork of ethminer is modifed for Ethereum Classics etchash activated by thanos on mainnet block 11700000. Mordor For usage with the mordor test network, build using themordorbranch. ...
Miner函数返回以太坊的挖矿器。 AccountManager函数返回以太坊的账户管理器。 BlockChain函数返回以太坊的区块链。 TxPool函数返回以太坊的交易池。 EventMux函数返回以太坊的事件处理器。 Engine函数返回以太坊的执行引擎。 ChainDb函数返回以太坊的链数据库。
这个对难度炸弹的修改在以太坊经典的开发社区中被称为“难度炸弹延迟”。与比特币的BIP类似,以太坊经典也把共识规则的更新用文档记录下来,称为以太坊经典改进提议(Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposal),简称ECIP。这次难度炸弹延迟被记录于ECIP1010。 难度计算公式的其余两项:父区块难度和难度调整,以太坊经典依然沿用...
Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support Ethmineris an Ethash GPU mining worker: with ethminer you can mine every coin which relies on an Ethash Proof of Work thus including Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Musicoin, Ellaism, Pirl, Expanse and others. This is the actively...
Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support Ethminer is an Ethash GPU mining worker: with ethminer you can mine every coin which relies on an Ethash Proof of Work thus including Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Musicoin, Ellaism, Pirl, Expanse and others. This is the ...
Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support Ethminer is an Ethash GPU mining worker: with ethminer you can mine every coin which relies on an Ethash Proof of Work thus including Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Musicoin, Ellaism, Pirl, Expanse and others. This is the ...
XDXMiner is a proof of concept DirectX implementation of Ethereum and Ethereum Classic miner. It can achieve 85% state of the art hashrate on Nivida Tesla T4. It can aslo run on the Xbox Series X/S under developer mode. Features Mine Ethereum and Ethereum in any DirectX enabled Device...