Interactive 3D animations of ethane conformations and Newman projections for students studying University chemistry courses
Summarizing, the results show that ethane activation is intrinsically associated to Mo and V metal sites in the M1 structure. Oxidation of the acetic acid intermediate is also hypothesized to be independent from Te and Nb content. However, the reactivity of the ODH product C2H4, is affected...
Figure 9.0°–180° segment of the potential energy diagram of the torsional energy profile of the central CC bond rotation in butane, at different levels of theory or deploying different force fields. Note the difference in energy betweengaucheandtransconformations as well as the wide wells that...
(∝T) to heat capacity atx<xc. Theinelastic neutron scatteringas well as the X-rays spectroscopy display the presence of two different bond lengths corresponding to mixed phases. An intensive study of manganites continues. Search for new materials, synthesis of high-quality samples, and a ...
Moreover, their structure and physicochemical and adhesive properties were determined. The results of the study showed that the kind of the chain extender as well as soft-segment content had an impact on the properties of the polymers obtained. They were amorphous or semicrystalline high molar ...
8499Accesses 158Citations 39Altmetric Metrics Abstract Methane activation and utilization are among the major challenges of modern science. Methane is potentially an important feedstock for manufacturing value-added fuels and chemicals. However, most known processes require excessive operating temperatures and...
Thermo Scientific Pierce DTME is a mid-length, maleimide crosslinker for reversible covalent conjugation between sulfhydryl groups (e.g., protein or peptide cysteines) by reduction of the disulfide bond in the center of the spacer arm.Featu
The characteristic ratio in the limit for long chains Coo is defined by eq 16, where Mb is the mean molecular weight per skeletal bond and l is the mean bond length. (16) Coo=3.5 for PET and 4.2 for PEPC were de- termined. The low chain flexibility of PEPC, compared to PET, is ...
One octahedral unit is rotated approximately 45° relative to the other, and the chelating phosphine ligand occupies sites cis and trans to the Ru(I)–Ru(I) bond. All of the carbonyl ligands were found to be terminal. The dimer was fluxional in solution and line-shape analysis of the 31...
10, the –Coδ+–Oδ-–structure can be regarded as the classical Lewis acid/base sites for C-H bond dissociation [44], [62], [63]. Co and its neighbor O atoms can adsorb one carbon and its connected hydrogen atoms, respectively. Then, the bond of adsorbed C-H spieces can be ...