ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. We are renowned for our excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge into society. Over 30,000 people from more than 120 countries find our university to be...
Attractive work environment both within the research group and beyond: the University of Zurich is one of Switzerland's leading Universities in the middle of a vibrant, cosmopolitan city that regularly ranks as one of the cities with the highest quality of life in the world. Generous support for...
We are offering a fully-funded position for a motivated and talented PhD candidate to join the Durability of Engineering Materials research group at ETH Zurich. This research project will be conducted in close collaboration with the Scientific Center for Optic...
The ETH Zurich Scholarships 2024 provide its students and staff with individual freedom, responsibility, open-mindedness, and entrepreneurial spirit. These are the cardinal components of the genuine Swiss values on which ETH Zurich has stood since its inception in 1885. It is regarded as the hub ...
ETH Zurich is a family-friendly employer with excellent working conditions. You can look forward to an exciting working environment, cultural diversity and attractive offers and benefits. We value diversity ETH Zurich is a family-friendly employer with excellent working conditions. You can look forward...
ETH transfer A6 The sustainable success of manufacturing companies depends on two factors, skilled people and innovation. With the CAS ETH AMaP programme, the ETH Zurich Competence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP) offers an opportunity for technical professionals to stay competitive in the job...
Inside ETH Zurich 苏黎世联邦理工学院 2021.04.09 10:00am EST / 4:00pm CET / 10:00pm China 腾讯会议:188-865-524;会议密码:202249 主题: 苏黎世联邦理工学院是瑞士领先的研究型大学,也是世界上领先的博士生研究中心之一。苏黎世联邦...
ihre Forschung und Ausbildung auf die Wohlfahrt der Schweiz auszurichten und dabei der Innovation einen hohen Stellenwert beizumessen. Universitäten wie auch staatliche Behörden und Unternehmen laufen darüber hinaus bei zunehmendem Wachstum Gefahr, sich in unübersichtliche Bürokratien zu ver...
The ETH focuses on three core tasks: excellenteducationand training of students and professionals in the scientific and technical fields, groundbreaking fundamental research, as well as direct transfer of new findings into practice. ETH Zurich is a university run by the Swiss Federation and the Swiss...
$0.15 billion ETH Zurich A financial endowment is a transfer of money and/or property donated to an institution. In the United States, the endowment is often integral to the financial health of educational institutions. Alumni or friends of institution sometimes contribute capital to the endowment....