PhD ETH Zürich Zurich,Switzerland Doctoral fellowship in History and Theory of Architecture (2 positions) Doctoral fellowship in History and Theory of Architecture (2 positions)The doctoral program at the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich, offers two fellowship positio...
2. PhD position in Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management Group (Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner) at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich invites applications for a PhD student/research assistant with a background in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Master of Scien...
1. 2 PhD positions in immersive architectural design and spatialized sound 沉浸式建筑设计和空间化声音领域的 2 个博士职位 The Immersive Models research project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Gramazio Kohler Research at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and Professor D...
The ETH IDEAS Group is part of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET). More information can be found on the group website. These PhD positions are jointly funded by EU grants, Swiss national grants, as well as E...
“PhD Positions in Polymer Chemistry” 学校及专业介绍 苏黎世联邦理工学院 ETH Zurich,又译瑞士联邦理工学院,位于瑞士的苏黎世,是一所享有全球声望的顶级学府。学校设有20个学院,学生规模约为20000人,其中博士生约为4000人。 本次招生的专业为聚合物化学。这个专业旨在培养学生对聚合物化学的深度理解,以及在材料科学...
瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)为我们提供了“PhD Positions in Polymer Chemistry”的博士研究项目详解。ETH Zurich,即瑞士联邦理工学院,坐落于瑞士苏黎世,是一所享有全球盛誉的顶尖学府。学校设有20个学院,拥有约20000名学生,其中博士生约4000人。本次招生的专业是聚合物化学。该专业致力于培养...
PhD Positions in Inorganic Chemistry Employer ETH Zurich Location Rämistrasse 101 Zurich, Switzerland Application deadline Unspecified Job type PhD Field Catalysis, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Electromagnetism, Inorganic Chemistry and 8 ...
PhD Positions in Inorganic Chemistry The Functional Coordination Chemistry Laboratory (Bezdek Group) at ETH Zurich has fully-funded PhD positions. Our newly established group applies the tools and approaches of inorganic/organometallic chemistry to synthesize molecules and materials with stimuli-responsive (...
申请ETH Zurich的一般流程: 找职位 ETH PhD招募一般会提前1~3个月放招聘广告,通过主流途径搜索都可以找到相关研究方向的ETH Ph.D.招募的广告(如果他们发了)。相关私藏tips,可以关注下面提到的公众号,或者经由知乎付费咨询。假如,没有发现匹配的positions的话,另外一条可选的路子就是陶瓷,询问机会,或者自己提出CSC的...
法语: École polytechnique fédérale de Zurich (EPFZ, 是的,与EPFL同源)缩写: ETH Zurich,ETHZ...