General PhD 采取传统的导师制,在特定的大学或学院里学习和做研究,有导师监督指导学生个人的独立研究。...
如需了解更多欧美香港PhD, Master,Bachelor申请信息,可添加公众号xiaojinyuoffer了解更多相关信息或移步付费咨询! PhD Position in Optomechanical Quantum Sensing 光机械量子传感博士职位 TheDegen groupat theSolid State Instituteof ETH Zurich is looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join us in our nan...
The Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems is a joint laboratory between the ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute, which is the largest research centre for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. The current research focus is the investigation of novel magnetic systems at the mesoscopic scale...
Rämistrasse 101 Zurich, Switzerland application deadline Unspecified Job type PhD Field Catalysis, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Electromagnetism, Inorganic Chemistry and 8 more 02 卢森堡大学全奖博士招聘 职位信息 卢森堡大学(University of Luxembourg)数学博士项目(MATHCODA Doctoral Training Unit)由卢森堡大学数学...
个人情况阐述 在申请2023年CS PhD时,我作为非陆本英本学生,硕士毕业于瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)的计算机科学专业,专攻计算机视觉与计算机图形(CVCG)的交叉领域。在最后申请截止日之前,我提交了材料,意外地收到了斯坦福大学CS PhD的录取通知。这篇文章旨在分享个人的申请经历,并提供关于申请...
would like to recruit one PhD student, starting from 2015 May.ETH Zurich is consistently rated ...
请问ETH Zurich PhD 申请签证流程是怎样的?秘书要求我先注册再申请签证,但我看有很多人是去了瑞士之后...
最新PhD/博后职位系列(3): 地球上最好的博士项目@ETH Zurich 地球上的顶尖博士项目在ETH Zurich等待你的加入!无需过分焦虑,把握住机会,你也能成为其中一员。ETH Zurich作为世界顶尖的科学与技术大学,其博士项目的福利是地球上最好的,没有之一。第一年即可享受税前约70300 CHF(近50W RMB)的薪资...
In addition, a wide range of computational resources for regional and climate modelling are available in our group and at ETH Zurich. 2 Tasks The main objectives of the PhD position will be: 1) Assess the cloud phase and radiative forcing in the mixed-phase regime with the global climate mo...