ETH Zurich苏黎世联邦理工学院OverseasFrog苏黎世联邦理工学院(德语:Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich,简称: ETH Zurich),又译为瑞士联邦理工学院(苏黎世),坐落于瑞士苏黎世,创建于1854年,最初是由瑞士联邦政府以巴黎综合理工学院...
ETH Zurich Master's in Computer Science VH 2024 offer 项目介绍 ETH的计算机硕士在计算机科学的几个核心领域提供深刻而深入的教育。该课程指导每个学生通过各种课程提供从事有意义的方向,并设计一个与个人倾向和未来职业机会相匹配的个人档案。硕士学位...
原因一是风格和上学期Computer Vision太像了(每讲100+页的slides),另外感觉lab也设计得不大行:很多...
ETH Zurich Master's in Computer Science VH 2024 offer 项目介绍 ETH的计算机硕士在计算机科学的几个核心领域提供深刻而深入的教育。该课程指导每个学生通过各种课程提供从事有意义的方向,并设计一个与个人倾向和未来职业机会相匹配的个人档案。硕士学位课程将理论和实践相结合,为学生提供全面的教育。
In addition, a wide range of computational resources for regional and climate modelling are available in our group and at ETH Zurich. 2 Tasks The main objectives of the PhD position will be: 1) Assess the cloud phase and radiative forcing in the mixed-phase regime with the global climate mo...
In addition, a wide range of computational resources for regional and climate modelling are available in our group and at ETH Zurich. 2 Tasks The main objectives of the PhD position will be: 1) Assess the cloud phase and radiative forcing in the mixed-phase regime with the global climate mo...
I am incredibly excited to have been offered admission at CMU and ETH Zurich for MS in Robotics and MS in Robotics, Systems and Control respectively. I am inclined towards computer vision and deep learning. However, I am also inclined to study/research on these topics with a good amount of...
The Image and Data Analysis group of ScopeM is a part of ETH Zurich. We contribute our knowledge of biology and expertise in image processing, (exploratory-) data analysis, statistical modelling, and general data wrangling (incl. setting up and running d
Tatiana Berger is a multiple award-winning architect, urban designer and educator with 30 years of combined international experience. She holds advanced degrees from Princeton and Berkeley. She has lectured at Princeton University, Harvard University, ETH in Zurich, NAAD in Venice, Italy. She leads...