Prof. Jordi Bascompte (University of Zurich), Dr Ravikanth (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment) , Mr Nanaya and Prof. Kushalappa (University of Shimoga and College of Forestry, Karnataka).
students of the ETH Zurich to figure out how Cleantech drives innovation. 作为创业领导力研讨会的合作伙伴,在两个月的时间里, GF 与苏黎世联邦理工 学院的研究生们一起,讨论如何利用清洁技术推动创新发展。 Professor Dr. Paolo Ermanni, ETH Zurich, Centre of Structure...
The Ecosystem Management group at ETH Zurich is offering two fully funded 4-year PhD positions to address plant-pollinator network structure and dynamics along land use intensification gradients in India coffee agroforestry landscapes. We are seeking applicants with interests and skills in (1) pollinati...
The architecture office Philip Loskant Architekt Eth | Sia ltd. was founded in 2005 in Zurich, Switzerland. The office’s portfolio offers a wide range of projects: starting from small conversions in Zurich, via a school building for a NGO in the Indian Himalaya, leading to hospitality project...
The Atmospheric Physics group at ETH Zurich (IAC-ETH) invites applications for a 3 – 3.5-year PhD position integrated into a Binational Indo-Swiss project “ICE nuCleating paRticle and cloUd condensation NuClei properties in the north-western Himalayas (ICE-CRUNCH), funded by the Swiss National ...