1. Postdoctoral position in DEL-technology In the frame of a Roche-postdoc fellowship project, a 2-year postdoctoral fellow position is open with immediate effect. You will be employed by ETH and work on dedicated encoding systems and the construction of novel DNA-encoded chemical libraries for ...
Guidelines for the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship ProgramZurich, E T HFellowship, Postdoctoral
postdoctoral fellowship at IBM Research – Zurich in 1996,where he worked on cantilever-based sensors and pio- neered the process development of an ultra-thick, high- aspect-ratio UV resist called SU-8, he spent one year as a visiting scientist at the Seiko Instrument Research Laboratory in ...
Through the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, promising researchers had the opportunity to acquire new skills and competences, thus boosting their academic career. Gracias a este programa de becas postdoctorales de la ETH de Zúrich, varios investigadores prometedores tuvieron la oport...
TheNanophotonic Systems Laboratory(Prof. Romain Quidant,https://light.ethz.ch) at ETH Zurich is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a collaborative project withthe Division ofophthalmologyat the RochePharma Research and Early Development (RochepRED).The project aims to real-timemolecula...
曾荣获国家自费留学奖学金、Vivian T. Stannett Fellow、 NSF Research Triangle MRSEC Fellowship、the Kharasch Postdoctoral Award等一系列奖项,担任Biosenors、Frontiers in Robotics and AI等期刊的特邀编辑,并与西北大学、芝加哥大学、阿贡国家实验室等一系列国际知名大学和研究中心保持密切合作。