Experience with deep learning frameworks (eg, TensorFlow, PyTorch). Salary: The salary for this position will be in accordance with the standard ETH PhD/postdoc salary. https://ethz.ch/en/the-eth-zurich/working-teaching-and-research/welcome-center/employment-contract-and-salary/salary.html Applic...
6. Post-Doctoral Researcher / Senior Assistant in Energy Systems Analysis 能源系统分析的博士后研究员/高级助理 1. Post-Doctoral Researcher (PhD) in Real-time Movement Feedback for Stroke and Parkinson’s Disease 中风和帕金森病的实时运动反馈的博士后研究员(博士) The Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory ...
international team at one of the worldwide leading technical universities. Furthermore, we strongly support participation at international conferences and offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits as well as outstanding research and laboratory facilities for your experiments. In ...
Postdoc candidates should be well trained in leading projects, experimental design, troubleshooting, and scientific manuscripts writing. All positions are fully funded. Competitive salary and benefits will be provided. (Postdoc: $70K...
岗位简介2022年入职:博士后(Postdoc)与科研助理(RA)一、岗位待遇1、本实验室对每位博士后、研究助理均提供最具竞争力的薪资待遇;2、表现优秀的科研助理有机会到香港城市大学攻读博士学位;3、目前有四个香港创新科技署(ITC)资助的博士后名额,每月32,000HKD二、工作地点:研究助理或博士后将在Dr. Sam的指导下,选择在...
After deducting the insurance and tax, it is about ~75% of your salary...请问ETH的postdoc的le...
Postdoc Position - Contribution of Cell Size to Cell Function in Multicellular Systems博士后职位--多细胞系统中细胞大小对细胞功能的贡献 Why do cells control their size and how is it possible that different cells in our body vary 1000 fold in size and can still function? We are looking for a...
小金鱼留学工作室:2022/07/31苏黎世联邦理工学院博后职位ETH PostDoc更新(内含两个博后职位) 小金鱼留学工作室:苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH计算化学招收全奖博士后一名 小金鱼留学工作室:2022/07/29苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH本周最新职位更新 小金鱼留学工作室:苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH博后职位(内含4个职位) ...
岗位简介2022年入职:博士后(Postdoc)与科研助理(RA)一、岗位待遇1、本实验室对每位博士后、研究助理均提供最具竞争力的薪资待遇;2、表现优秀的科研助理有机会到香港城市大学攻读博士学位;3、目前有四个香港创新科技署(ITC)资助的博士后名额,每月32,000HKD二、工作地点:研究助理或博士后将在Dr. Sam的指导下,选择在...
A competitive salary and generous social benefits Generous support for professional travel and research needs An inspiring work environment within the Department of Psychiatry and the University of Zurich and part of the Neuroscience Center Zurich (ZNZ) ...