To be eligible for admission to the Master's program in Computer Science, applicants must: Hold a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related fieldsuch as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics or mathematics. 申请相近的本科专业,建议是电气工程EE,机械工程,物理或者数学(这里统...
-Physics 物理学; -Computational Finance 计算金融 -Electromagnetics 电磁学; High Energy Physics高能物理硕士,学制为2年,与巴黎综合理工学院的合作项目,在ETH Zurich注册费为CHF 730/学期,在巴黎综合理工学院注册费为245欧元/学年,两年的学费为11000欧元,但是可获得学费减免,第一年可减免学费90%,第二年可减免80%。
-Astrophysics 天体物理学; -Physics of the Atmosphere 大气物理学; -Chemistry 化学; -Fluid Dynamics 流体动力学; -Control Theory 控制理论; -Robotics 机器人技术; -Physics 物理学; -Computational Finance 计算金融 -Electromagnetics ...
其中,Rmn可以是Gauss分布随机矩阵。随机矩阵理论可以追溯到Eugene Wigner 1955年的工作。也可参考Mehta 20...
Requirements Master’s degree in materials science, physics, chemistry or mechanical engineering Prior experience in scanning electron microscopy, FIB or APT are beneficial (not needed) Previous experience and knowledge in corrosion is not needed, but candidates ...
本地学生感觉相对更喜欢传统的Earth Science(Mineral Physics组感觉有段时间都招不到PhD...其他专业8...
For their advanced education in the fifth to nineth semesters the students select one of four science disciplines (Chemistry/Microbiology, Physics, Biology or Environmental Hygiene) and one of four environmental systems (Aquatic Systems, Atmosphere, Terrestrial Systems or Anthroposphere). The education ...
A growing team led by Andreas Wallraff from the Quantum Device Lab, at the Department of Physics of ETH Zurich is operating a new superconducting circuits lab on the PSI campus at Villigen in the canton of Aargau. At this site, we plan to scale up the systems developed at the Quantum De...
在Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Communications in Mathematical Physics等刊物上发表论文十余篇。 报告内容:量子精密测量(Quantummetrology)是量子信息科学的一个重要分支,有着广阔的应用前景。利用纠缠等效应,量子精密测量可以大大提高参数测量的精度,从而使得...
Hold an MSc degree (or equivalent) in atmospheric or environmental sciences, physical chemistry, or experimental physics. Be curious, creative, and collaborative as well as able to think critically about your own measured and modeled data.