该博士项目面向来自任何科学或工程领域且对解决社会数字化带来的教育挑战有很强动力的学生。JDPLS的研究强调弥合基础研究和转化研究之间的差距。我们的博士生被培养来领导我们教育系统所有部分的转型,包括学校、大学、工作场所和非正式学习空间。 二. 潜在研究领域 三. JDPLS关联实验室 四. Course Catalogue 必修课: 1....
ETH建筑学院入学条件 Master’s degree programme in Architecture Appendix Appendix To the Programme Regulations 2007 of the Master’s Degree Programme in Architecture 31 August 2010 Applies to students who commence the degree programme in Autumn Semester 2011 or later. For those entering the programme ...
ardingthecontentofthecorrespondingcourseunitsarepublishedinthecoursecatalogueww w.vvz.ethz.ch.Part1: BasicknowledgeandcompetencesPart1comprises26ECTScreditsandcoversbasickn owledgefromthedisciplinesTechnologyandNaturalSciencesandHumanitiesandSocialSc iences: ...
sdegreeprogrammeinArchitecture.Thisincludestrainingintherele vantmethodologicalscientificthinking.3Thedisciplinerequirementsprofil eisstructuredintwopartsasfollows.Detailsregardingthecontentofthecorre spondingcourseunitsarepublishedinthecoursecataloguewww.vvz.ethz.ch.Pa rt1 : BasicknowledgeandcompetencesPart1comprises26...
For each new semester, the parse courses script should be ran. This requires the entire course catalogue (the pdf foundhere, not the course data file). Further instructions can be found in the script itself. The parameters (below imports) are important; theyear(YYYY) andseason(autumn/spring...
We introduce the `ETH–UNS Case Study, a university course in Environ– mental Sciences, where applied research is learned in a transdisciplinary setting (`Transdisziplinre Lehrforschung). The teaching goals lie in the fields of transdisciplinarity, complex problem solving and group processes. Yet...
目录Catalogue 1.ETH苏黎世联邦理工学院招全奖博士生 2.新加坡国立大学招全奖博士 3.美国维拉诺瓦大学招全奖博士 4.比利时鲁汶大学招收全奖博士生 01 ETH苏黎世联邦理工学院招收全奖博士 职位信息 PhD position in Systems or Hardware Securit...
目录Catalogue 1.瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院招收全奖博士生 2.卢森堡大学全奖博士招聘 3.德国马克斯•普朗克研究所招收博士/访问学者/实习生 4.香港理工大学全奖博士招生 01 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院招收全奖博士生 职位信息 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Prof....
目录Catalogue 1.瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院招收全奖博士生 2.卢森堡大学全奖博士招聘 3.德国马克斯•普朗克研究所招收博士/访问学者/实习生 4.香港理工大学全奖博士招生 01 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院招收全奖博士生 职位信息 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院Prof. Bezdek课题组功能配位化学实验室现有全奖博士职位可申请,研究方向涵盖过渡...
The foregoing exclusive rights to distribute and sell Licensed Products shall include the right to make catalogue sales of Licensed Products, and the right to distribute Licensed Products by direct sales to consumers. Company shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all uses of Golfer ...