新的技术要求对建筑产生了影响,需要最新的专业知识,这也导致了新的建筑形式的产生。由苏黎世联邦理工(ETHZürich)建筑技术与构造系(Building Technology and Construction)出品,这本《建造手册》,使用典型的例子来传达基本的技术背景,清晰易懂的图例介绍了当代建筑的构造体系——从概念到细节;而照片被用来进一步阐释内容。
Dan Rueth Construction, LLCSince 1980 Specializing in medium to large scale remodeling, additions, and new home construction. “I offer a complete design-build construction service with attention to detail. Every effort will be made to make sure your ...
Naseth Construction has been providing construction management, general contracting and design build services to the greater Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo areas since 1996. We specialize in new construction, renovations and additions for a wide variety of projects including educational, commercial, ind...
Construction and Maintenance Management 建筑和维修管理 Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程 Structural Engineering 结构工程 Transport Systems 运输系统 Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management 水利工程与水资源管理 Materials and Mechanics 材...
Construction and Maintenance Management 建筑和维修管理 Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程 Structural Engineering 结构工程 Transport Systems 运输系统 Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management 水利工程与水资源管理 Materials and Mechanics 材料与力学 ...
3 Tasks The goals of this PhD are to determine how to optimize the spatial-temporal renovation process of existing buildings considering the multiple stakeholders involved and the uncertainties associated with the construction process to demonstrate how the optimiz...
聚焦「以数据为中心的AI」,斯坦福、ETH联合线上研讨会来了 机器学习模型的开发和改进一直是过去十年学术界和工业界关注的重点。而在实际工作中,机器学习应用的开发和维护很多时候是在解决一系列与「数据」相关的问题:如何降低建立训练数据集的成本 (training set construction for ML)?如何更有效地收集训练数据 (...
“夯土工作坊”课程的教学与研究 Rediscovering Rammed Earth —An Introduction of the Rammed Earth Building Workshop(Lehmbauwerkstatt) from the Chair of Architecture and Construction of ETH Zurich 摘要:通过一系列的夯土实验以及1:1的实际建造,建造与构造教研室(Prof. Annette Spiro,Professur für Architektur ...
陈倩博士,目前就职于剑桥大学工程学院Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology,主攻建筑行业生产力实证研究和数字化转型,七月初将入职加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC Okanagan campus)成为工程学院的一名助理教授,博士毕业于瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学土木工程学院,博士期间的研究方向为建筑行业的数字化供应...
Construction has just begun on the Tor Alva, or the White Tower, the world’s largest 3-D printed tower. Designed by architects Michael Hansmeyer and Benjamin Dillenburger and printed with concrete by the technology university ETH Zurich, 8 out of 32 structural columns have been completed. Nest...