PHD Clinical Science 临床医学 PHD Economics and Business Administration: Field of study Banking and Finance 经济学和工商管理:银行学和金融方向 PHD Economics and Business Administration: Field of study Economics 经济学和工商管理:经济学方向 PHD Economics and Business Administration: Field of study Business...
职位信息 PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction 5月15日截止 1 Project The selected candidate will be involved in developing a new service for circular information management for construction elements and reality capture in existing buildings usi...
清华大学计算机 Oxford-Advanced Computer Science MSc ETH-Computer Science CMU-Machine Learning Austin-Electrical Computer Engineering PhD全奖 USC-Computer Science(General) 分享内容: 1.名校EECS专业录取结果分享 2.个人科研实习经历分享,...
Cornell-Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD UCLA-Computer Science PhD Duke-Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD UCSB-Electrical & Computer Engineering PhD ETH-Computer Science PhD ——感谢Pivot后期老师在时间节点上一直督促我,因为自己对申请不是很有把握,所以时间点掌控就非常重要。在学术方面的时间规划...
我们先找到ETHComputer Vision Lab计算机视觉的Alumni,每年几乎都会招收一位中文名字的PhD Alumni 去...
The Department of Computer Science is offering a Graduate Teaching Assistantships for January 2025 entry to its PhD studies in Computer Science. We are looking for an applicant with a keen interest and competency in pursuing doctoral studies in the area of Computer Vision and Computational Imaging ...
苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)传感、交互和感知实验全奖博士职位 PhD student in Embedded Systems and Hardware Prototyping(ETH)The Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab is looking for a PhD student in Embedded Systems and Hardware Prototyping. This job ad is intentionally short and only complete applications...
ETH CS Master(全奖) vs UPenn CIS PhD,如何选择? 题主今年申请到了瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)Computer Science研究型硕士和美国宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的CS博士,本来一心想去ETH,但被Penn的教授和身边长辈、同学各种安利之后有点举棋不定了,想来听听众知友的意见。 题主本科末流C9...
The Department of Computer Science is offering a Graduate Teaching Assistantships for January 2025 entry to its PhD studies in Computer Science. We are looking for an applicant with a keen interest and competency in pursuing doctoral studies in the area of Computer Vision and Computational Imaging ...
普渡大学PhD in Computer Science计算机科学博士Department of Computer Science 苏黎世联邦理工学院和普渡大学简介 苏黎世联邦理工学院 苏黎世联邦理工学院(德语:Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich,简称ETH Zürich或ETHZ,是瑞士的两所联邦理工学院之一,位于德语区的苏黎世,另一所是位于法语区的洛桑联邦理工学院。