Do not send ETH from an exchange. The portal proxy contract bridges to the address where ETH is sent from, so if sent from an exchange, for example, ETH will be bridged back to the exchange, which could result in unrecoverable loss of the asset. 至此,完成base主网跨链桥的使用(ETH和BA... 通过设置await asyncio.sleep(10),增加了每个请求之间的间隔时间。这将减少达到节点请求限制的可能性。 如果你需要处理大量区块,考虑将区块的查询分批次进行,并在每批次之间添加延迟。 async def monitor_bnb_received(contract_address, batch_size=10): latest_b...
contractAddress: the contract address created for contract creation. It is null for a transaction that is not for contract creation. cumulativeGasUsed: the total gas used when this transaction was executed in the block. effectiveGasPrice: the total base charge plus tip paid for each unit of ga...
*@param{JSON} contractABI 智能合约ABI *@param{string} contractAddr 智能合约地址 *@param{function} callback 回调函数 */functionInit(contractABI,contractAddr,callback){//判断用户是否安装MetaMask钱包插件if(typeofwindow.ethereum==="undefined") {//没安装MetaMask钱包进行弹框提示alert("Looks like you ...
contractAddress: DATA, 20字节 - 对于合约创建交易,该值为新创建的合约地址,否则为null logs: Array - 本次交易生成的日志对象数组 logsBloom: DATA, 256字节 - bloom过滤器,轻客户端用来快速提取相关日志 返回的结果对象中还包括下面二者之一 : root : DATA 32字节,后交易状态根(pre Byzantium) ...
The document explains the eth_getLogs API method, which is used to retrieve logs matching specific criteria for applications that need to analyze, display, or monitor smart contract events. It provides parameters, response details, and use cases for the
The document explains the eth_getStorageAt API method, which retrieves data from a specific storage slot in a smart contract, allowing developers to read internal state information and build advanced blockchain applications.
Verify that the field should be empty where the contract address is usually displayed status: ready 1., id: 727231 Test setup failed: critical/ in prepare_devices self.drivers, self.loop = create_shared_drivers(1)
varmessage=newweb3.eth.Contract(abi,address); router.get("/getMessage",function(req,resp){ message.methods.getMessage().call(function(error,result){ resp.send(result); }); }); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ...
smart-contract identity signature pubkey •2.7.0•2 months ago•262dependents•MITpublished version2.7.0,2 months ago262dependentslicensed under $MIT 167,860 @wagmi/chains A collection of chains for wagmi eth ethereum dapps chains