Professional Video Camera – Wikipedia, The Free EncyclopediaThe camera section held the lens and tube pre-amps and other necessary electronics, and was connected with a large diameter multicore cable to the While they have some similarities to the smaller consumer camcorder, they differ in several...
这种时候我们需要借助网络上的电子百科全书,比如 Wikipedia,然后就可以看到第一个发现可以用 GPS 探测地震波的人是 美国科学家 Kristine Larson 博士。 如果能让 NLP 系统直接给出这个答案,而不需要我们去知识库中翻文章寻找答案,这个问题就叫做开放领域问答(open-domain QA),这也是 NLP 科研的一个热点任务。 开放...
谈谈拟毒蜥Lanthanotus borneensis 拟毒蜥(图一,Wikipedia)又被称作婆罗无耳蜥,这个叫法也是我个人更偏爱的,因为拉丁属名“Lanthanotus ”的含义就是“隐耳的”,而且该种的模式产地就是在婆罗洲北部的...
Motter, A. E., De Moura, A. P. S., &Lai, Y. C., et al. (2002). Topology of the conceptual network of language. Physical Review E, 65(6), 065102. Nastase, V., & Strube, M. (2013). Transforming Wikipedia into a large scale multilingual concept network. Artificial Intelligence,...