A mutual fund is traded at the end of the day.VTSAX and VFIAX, the index funds that have been created into VOO and VTI, are both traded at the end of the day. They have a minimum investment of $3,000 to enter the fund, and after that, you can put in as much or little as yo...
The expense ratio spread has widened slightlyto the range of 0.01% up to 0.06% (VWO). This is still not a big deal to me, but it is apparent that Vanguard gave up trying to maintain parity and in the future the ETFs will always be cheaper. The trend is a wider gap over time, no...
VTSAX is my core holding. Been very reliable for me. Jan. 03, 2018 6:36 AM View The Quintessential Equity Fund by InvestETF Winning Formula I use Schwab's brokerage system to buy Vanguard funds. I've tested the Schwab funds and did notice the spread issue which may be a profit center...