The Fund seeks to track the performance of an index composed of 100 of the largest non-financial companies listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market.
NASDAQ-100® Index Shares Outstanding as of 08.Jan.2025 14,124,521 ISIN IE00B53SZB19 Securities Lending Return as of 30.Sep.2024 0.02 % Product Structure Physical Methodology Replicated Issuing Company iShares VII plc Administrator BNY Mellon Fund Services (Ireland) Designated Activity Company ...
Borsa Italiana RBOT EUR 03/Nov/2016 BYX8WZ7 RBOT IM RBOT.MI - Euronext Amsterdam RBOE EUR 29/Nov/2021 BMFV4K9 - RBOE.AS A2ANH0 London Stock Exchange RBOT USD 12/Sept/2016 BYZK455 RBOT LN RBOT.L A2ANH0 London Stock Exchange RBTX GBP 12/Sept/2016 BYYLQL9 RBTX LN RBT...
The Management Company of the Swiss domiciled iShares ETF Funds and BlackRock Investment Funds Switzerland is BlackRock Asset Management Switzerland Limited, Bahnhofstrasse 39, CH-8001 Zurich. The prospectus including the integrated fund contract, the key information document or equivalent, and, if applica...
L’indice dispesa complessiva(TER) dell'ETF è pari allo0,40% annuo. Il WisdomTree Cloud Computing UCITS ETF USD Acc è l’unico ETF che replica l'indice BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud. L’ETF replica la performance dell’indice sottostante conreplica fisica totale(acquistando tutti i componenti...
www.borsaitaliana.it页面TDK信息 标题(Title) 69个字符 (一般不超过80字符) Borsa Italiana: sito ufficiale della Borsa di Milano - Borsa Italiana 关键词(Keywords) 0个字符 (一般不超过100字符) 简介(Description) 156个字符 (一般不超过200字符) Borsa Italiana: quotazioni in tempo reale, analisi, ...
Borsa Italiana HEAL EUR 03-Nov-2016 BYX8X54 HEAL IM HEAL.MI - Euronext Amsterdam HEAL EUR 03-Sept-2021 BP2P7C8 - DRDR.AS A2ANH2 London Stock Exchange HEAL USD 12-Sept-2016 BYZK477 HEAL LN HEAL.L - London Stock Exchange DRDR GBP 12-Sept-2016 BYYLQN1 DRDR LN DRDR.L - ...
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The Fund seeks to track the performance of an index composed of Japanese companies. Important Information: Capital at Risk.The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally inve...
Borsa Italiana IRCP EUR 09-Jan-2014 BFTWMX8 IRCP IM IRCP.MI - Deutsche Boerse Xetra IS0Y EUR 28-Nov-2012 BVC3NX7 IS0Y GY IS0Y.DE A1J5ST Euronext Amsterdam IRCP EUR 21-May-2013 B99KZN1 IRCP NA IRCP.AS - London Stock Exchange IRCP EUR 23-Oct-2012 B75GXF7...