但是它的业绩基准并不是你要的油价啊。 The investment objective of USO is for the daily changes in percentage terms of its shares' NAV to reflect the daily changes in percentage terms of the spot price of light, sweet crude oil delivered to Cushing, Oklahoma, as measured by the daily changes...
西德州轻原油介绍:英文名称为WestTexas Intermediate (WTI:西德州中级原油),又称为Light sweet crude oil (轻甜原油),轻『Light』则是因为该原油内的硫磺(Sulfur)含量少(只有0.5%的硫磺),甜『Sweet』是根据古老传说以前有人尝起来是甜,轻甜名称由此而来。美国中西部为西德州轻原油提炼成其它石油产品的主要产区,部份...
Horizons ETF Management周二表示,其旗下的BetaPro Crude Oil 2x Daily Bull ETF或两倍杠杆率的Daily bear ETF将不接受新认购,而赎回将继续被接受。与此同时,巴克莱集团周一晚间也表示,将立即暂停iPath B系列标准普尔GSCI原油总回报指数ETNs的进一步销售和发行,并将在本月底行使其发行看涨期权并全部赎回。
其中,排名第3的UCO基金为2倍做多,排名第11的SCO基金为2倍做空,同属ProShare旗下基金,投资组合类似,但方向完全相反。排名第4的DBO基金,跟踪德意志银行的DBIQ最优原油超额收益指数(Deutsche Bank Index Qiamt Optimum Yield Crude Oil Index Excess Return)。图为美国原油ETF排名(按管理资产规模)图为2020年W...
·Watch out for the next 'oil crisis': Sec...21-06-14 ·ARK's Cathie Wood weighs in on oil, sees...21-05-12 ·Crude oil prices enter correction territ...21-03-23 ·AMEX HALT USO.A EQUIPMENT CHANGEOVER LAS...20-11-03
以ProShares Ul-traPro 3x Short Crude Oil ETF(股票代码:OILU)为例,这个产品同时具备杠杆(3倍)和反向(-1倍)属性,当标的资产原油期货合约价格上升10%时,OILU收益理论上应该为-30%。从美国整体商品期货ETF情况来看,除早期成立的商品期货ETF为1倍正向外,后期成立的商品期货ETF多具备杠杆属性。具体来看...
United States Oil Fund (USO) seeks to follow the daily changes in the spot price of light, sweet crude oil for delivery at Cushing, Oklahoma and follows the Benchmark Oil Futures Index.6 Vanguard Energy ETF (VDE) uses an indexing approach to track the MSCI US Investable Market Energy 25...
abbreviation for (Banking & Finance) electronic transfer of funds Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: ...
ETF issuers typically respond rapidly to the demand for products in hot sectors. For example, many commodity ETFs were introduced during the commodity boom between 2003 and 2007.13 Some of these ETFs track broad sets of commodities, while others track specific commodities such as crude oil and ...
BetaPro Crude Oil Inverse Leveraged Daily Bear ETF+ Watchlist Open Last Updated: Feb 19, 2025 2:18 p.m. EST Delayed quote $ 5.82 -0.05 -0.85% Previous Close $5.87 Toggle Chart Options Advanced Charting Range Dropdown $ % Vol ...