SPY VOO Sharpe ratio comparison The current SPY Sharpe Ratio is 1.01, which is comparable to the VOO Sharpe Ratio of 1.01. The chart below compares the historical Sharpe Ratios of SPY and VOO, offering insights into how both investments have performed under varying market conditions. These values...
The currentDGTSharpe Ratio is1.32, which is comparable to theVTSharpe Ratio of1.49. The chart below compares the historical Sharpe Ratios of DGT and VT, offering insights into how both investments have performed under varying market conditions. These values are calculated using daily returns over ...
It may seem pointless to pick this fund over the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, since they have such a long history of comparable performance. But I'd like to point out a couple of things here. The likeness to a robust S&P 500 ETF is a solid mark of quality, if nothing else. If all a fu...
appreciation versus dividend income, as these companies re-invest earnings.RPGis linked to an index consisting of roughly 130 holdings and exposure is tilted most heavily towards consumer cyclical and technology. Viable alternatives with comparable holdings includeIVWandSPYG, whileVOOGis the cheapest ...
as companies re-invest earnings.IVWis linked to an index consisting of just over 300 holdings and exposure is tilted most heavily towards technology, while industrials, health care, and consumer goods receive equal weightings. Viable alternatives with comparable holdings includeIWFandVOOG, whileSCHGi...
*updated Wednesday, March 12, 4:25 PM Yield calculations vary and may not be reliable nor comparable; yield may be expressed as SEC 30-day yield, annualized yield based on most recent distribution, trailing twelve month yield, or reported yield. Not all ETFs are ranked; data may be incorre...
2. Choose between the IVV, VOO or SPY ETF The table below compares SPY with two comparable S&P 500 ETFs, VOO (Vanguard S&P 500 ETF) and IVV (iShares Core S&P 500). The data is current as of May 31, 2022. ETF SPDR S&P 500 ETF ...
2. Choose between the IVV, VOO or SPY ETF The table below compares SPY with two comparable S&P 500 ETFs, VOO (Vanguard S&P 500 ETF) and IVV (iShares Core S&P 500). The data is current as of May 31, 2022. ETF SPDR S&P 500 ETF Vanguard S&P 500 ETF iShares CORE S&P 500 Assets und...
The current VB Sharpe Ratio is 0.99, which is comparable to the VBR Sharpe Ratio of 0.85. The chart below compares the historical Sharpe Ratios of VB and VBR, offering insights into how both investments have performed under varying market conditions. These values are calculated using daily return...
VOO: VOO is Vanguard's main S&P 500 ETF. Like most of Vanguard's passive index offerings, VOO has a very low 0.03% expense ratio.4 IVV: iShares' S&P 500 ETF is comparable to the Vanguard product, including that 0.03% expense ratio. (These two ETFs could potentially be used fortax-los...