Founded in 2005, we have been developing and manufacturing our patented wind sensor systems and anemometers for the wind power, crane safety, Aerial Work Platform (AWP) safety, marine, outdoor events, and fountain control industries for over 15 years. Etesian became a division of Bridge ...
Journal of Marine Systemsdoi:10.1175/1520-0477(2001)082<0247:TNNYRM>2.3.CO;2, 2001. Klaiae, Z. B., Pasariae, Z., and Tudor, M.: On the interplay between sea-land breezes and Etesian winds over the Adriatic, J. Marine Syst., 78, Supplement(0), S101-S118, doi:10.1016/j.jmar...
The marine boundary layer (MABL) over the eastern Aegean Sea was suppressed at very low levels due to the very cold SST current in the east coming from the Black Sea. Below 1 km altitude, an intense low-level jet was observed with the maximum wind speeds (up to 20 m s-1) having a...