Father kindly but clearly used Bible verses to disprove the church teachings that the human soul is immortal and that God will torment human souls eternally in hellfire. ኣቦይ ነፍሲ ሰብ ኣይትመውትን ኢያ ከምኡውን ኣምላኽ ንነፍሲ ...
The problem here was lack of spiritual discernment so common to man but not in keeping with Peter’s place of leadership among the disciples. Like many modern readers of the Bible, Peter did not want to accept what did not agree with his hopes and ambitions. The disciples who had been ...
The first half (verses 1-18) references the journey of the Hebrews from Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the Hebrew Law, to Mount Zion in Jerusalem where David established God’s temple. The second half of the song, (verses 19-35) envisions God’s throne estab...
Many Christians teach Leopard Theology* because they believe that the Bible is only inspired in spots and that they are inspired to spot the spots. They don’t call it that, but that is exactly what their theology is founded upon. And, like the leopard, they camouflage themselves and are ...
Verses 1-2 were the theme of a Walk to Emmaus weekend that I worked a few years ago. The weekend is a short course in Christianity to encourage and develop people to lead the church, but it is open to all believers. It is a great passage to memorize and recall. We should make him...
“called” in an ordinary way, in that believers were called to be Christians. There are no verses about being called to be a pastor or anything else. The Bible says that if you desire that office and meet the qualifications, go for it. Spiritual gifts are assigned to believers for ...
It was a blessing to have already been in a great relationship with God when this came up. I was already in the habit ofMy favorite Bible reading / prayer / memorization routine, so it wasn’t like I had to say, “Oh no! Cancer has returned! Better get back to God!” I wouldn’...