Just a quick update for you all - this will be our last competition for a little while, but we’ll be picking them back up again in the near future. As I men... 20 Comments Feature Modders-Turned-Devs, We Want Your Stories!
It’s lovely to meet you all. I’m Sarah, also known as Modsetti, and I'm part of the new Content team. If you've been checking out our shorts on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, you might've already spotted me. I'll have a full introduction a bit later on, but for now, we...
Slavers still active, Menzzago is alive and promised slaves will be delivered to Splintered Reef regularly, Royal Deadfire Company does not control Ukaizo Crookspur remains a slaver stronghold, and one whose dark legend only grows. For every so often, a slave ship bears its unfortunate cargo...
Perhaps it would look like neighbor being for neighbor, regardless of zip-code or ethnicity. Men treating women like vessels of honor instead of pawns for pleasure. Women building each other up rather than backstabbing. Elderly persons participating in community rather than being cast to the margin...
“…In whom you also are being built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.”. (Ephesians 2:22) God wanted to dwell among men. You might find that hard to believe, yet it’s gloriously true. And He doesn’t need to. He wants to. He must love us, eh? What are the ...
Both John the Baptist and Messiah were to suffer at the hands of wicked men, and die; this is the main import of what Christ said. The interpretation that He called here for resolute courage on the part of the disciples is not the main point. In closing His comment on John the ...
I am still in Act I. I think you can stay in Act I for a long, long time if you choose to do the Endless Paths, but doing so should lead to greater ease for the rest of the game due to greater levels and wealth. I still haven't attacked Raedric. I figure I'll go as far ...
... a long fall in the bottomless pit As they see eternal droppin' down And hit that ground, murda mo' ya, enforcer Forcin' you are so sure we're under sure... 歌词 Undercroft. Dark Water's Captive. Undercroft. 暗水的俘虏. ... of forgotten reign Older than the kingdom of men ...
... apart By warriors under a governor's hand Unaware while tearing satan's heart One thing remains for mankind To be spared from eternal darkness Become... 歌词 Dark Funeral. Bloodfrozen. 黑暗葬礼. Bloodfrozen. ... the realms the light Once enshrined I am Into an endless crypt of ...
Henri Pierre Deladonchamps Charles Photos View AllEternity photos View more photos Movie Info SynopsisValentine marries at the end of the 19th century, and love passes through her family from generation to generation. Director Tran Anh Hung