Eternal Love: Avec Mi Yang, Mark Chao, Weiguang Gao, Ken Chang. Two deities Ye Hua and Bai Qian meet and fall in love. Their love story transcends time and has become a legend.
Chinese dramaEternal Love of Dream (三生三世枕上书)exclusively available on Viu at a same-day broadcast as China! We have know that this hotly anticipated Chinese drama (on Viu) has been filming since 2019, and is now finally making its debut as one of the most hotly-anticipated C-drama ...
Eternal Love Ending Song Liang Liang by Yang Zongwei and Zhang Bichen (shortened version) 凉凉 Liáng liáng Coolness 杨宗纬, 张碧晨 Yáng Zōngwěi Aska Yang, Zhāng Bìchén Ending theme song 片尾曲 piànwěi qū of 2017 TV drama series 三生三世十里桃花 Sān shēng sānshì shí lǐ táohuā ...
Eternal Love Of Dream is a great drama and you should watch it. But certain parts can be a bore. I think one of the problems is the beginning of the romance and the couple’s time in the mortal realm mirror the story in Ten Miles Of Peach Blossoms. The difference is they have lengt...
After the waterfall fest that was Queen for Seven Days, I knew I had to find myself a cute romantic comedy to watch and then I happened upon The Eternal Love 双世宠妃.
Taiwanese-Canadian actor Mark Chao reveals why he took on the role of Ye Hua in the xianxia series Eternal Love as his first Chinese drama.
a consequence of their resolve to hold to the good even in defeat. If you persist in what is right in the face of defeat, then you love the good more than you love temporal success, which is precisely the thing that allows you to handle success with maturity and wisdom when it comes....
have lost over the years. There seems to be zero innocence of ‘being’ these days in anything. For a moment, let us all just remind ourselves of this powerhouse calledAsrarwho has a lot that is yet to be exploited by the popular scene. Don’t you love his ‘wah wah’in the song?
電視劇三生三世十里桃花官方微博、電視劇親愛的翻譯官微博、電視劇漂亮的李慧珍官方微博、楊冪微博、賴藝微博、虞文濤微博 2017上半年超火紅的大陸劇三生三世十里桃花,由楊冪及趙又廷領銜主演,此劇播畢至今已經超過一個月,但仍占據各大影視平台排行前十,究竟它的魅力何在?編輯實際看過一輪,真心不騙得好看!這就來邀...
Eternal Love: Mit Mi Yang, Mark Chao, Weiguang Gao, Ken Chang Die beiden Gottheiten Ye Hua und Bai Qian treffen sich und verlieben sich. Ihre Liebesgeschichte geht über die Zeit hinaus und ist zur Legende geworden.