etcdctl snapshot save 命令用于创建 etcd 数据库的当前状态的快照,以便在需要时进行数据恢复。这是 etcd 数据保护和恢复机制的重要组成部分。 2. 基本语法结构 bash etcdctl snapshot save <snapshot-file-name> [flags] 3. 所需参数及其含义 <snapshot-file-name>:指定快照文件的名称和路径。
以下是一个使用 ETCDCTL_API=3 命令行工具保存 etcd 快照的示例: ETCDCTL_API=3etcdctl snapshot save--cacert="/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt"\--endpoints="https://localhost:2379"\--name="my-snapshot"\--cert="/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt"\--key="/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.k...
复制etcdctl memberremove<member_id> snapshot:创建etcd数据的快照。 复制etcdctl snapshot save snapshot.db 5. 其他有用选项 --debug:启用调试模式,提供更详细的输出。 复制etcdctl --debug get /myapp/config --timeout:设置操作的超时时间(秒)。 复制etcdctl --timeout=5 get /myapp/config --hex:以十六...
etcdctl snapshot save snapshot.db # restore members bin/etcdctl snapshot restore snapshot.db --initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 --initial-advertise-peer-urls --name sshot1 --initial-cluster 'sshot1=,sshot2=,sshot3...
./etcdctl snapshot save snapshot.db SNAPSHOT RESTORE [options] <filename> Removed in v3.6. Useetcdutl snapshot restoreinstead. SNAPSHOT STATUS <filename> Removed in v3.6. Useetcdutl snapshot statusinstead. MOVE-LEADER <hexadecimal-transferee-id> ...
etcdctl snapshot save file:将etcd的数据快照保存到指定文件中,用于数据备份。 etcdctl snapshot restore file:从指定文件中恢复etcd的数据快照,用于数据恢复。 十、设置和查看集群成员 etcdctl member add name peer-urls:向etcd集群中添加一个新的成员,其中name表示成员的名称,peer-urls表示成员的地址。 etcdctl mem...
snapshot to an etcd directory snapshot save Stores an etcd node backend snapshot to a given file snapshot status Gets backend snapshot status of a given file txn Txn processes all the requests in one transaction user add Adds a new user user delete Deletes a user user get Gets detailed ...
snapshot save Stores an etcd node backend snapshottoa given file ##将etcd节点后端快照存储到给定文件 snapshot restore Restores an etcdmembersnapshottoan etcd directory ##将etcd成员快照恢复到etcd目录 snapshot status Gets backend snapshot statusofa given file ...
lease keep-alive Keeps leases alive (renew)member add Adds a member into the clustermember remove Removes a member from the clustermember update Updates a member in the clustermember list Lists all members in the clustersnapshot save Stores an etcd node backend snapshot to a given filesnap...
etcdctl -w table snapshot save backup.db 2. 数据恢复 etcdctl--data-dir=/var/lib/etcd/backup.etcd snapshot restore backup.db#恢复数据到新目录#每个节点恢复数据,然后修改配置指定新的数据目录,最后重启所有节点 注意数据目录权限,权限不够,提示不是很友好 ...